Ronda Rousey Definitely Does Understand The Difference Between WWE & UFC
I'm not sure what story WWE are trying to tell...

Jun 19, 2018
WWE and UFC are nothing alike. You know this, I know this, everybody knows this. You know who will understand the differences more than most? People who have done both. Ronda Rousey has done both, yet WWE are still painting her to be greener than a Big Show dump the morning after curry night down his local Wetherspoons.
You would think that having experienced both disciplines at close quarters at the very highest level, and after undergoing extensive training from the best around before even getting to both respective dances, Ronda would be able to give you the single most detailed list of differences between WWE and UFC out there this side of Ken Shamrock and Dan Severn.
However, after the best opening segment to Raw that I can recall in absolutely ages, WWE decided to hammer home the fact that Ronda doesn't really know what she's doing. In the face of two performances that any seasoned veteran would be proud of - showing some of the best selling around in the MITB PPV match against Nia Jax, by the way - this is the route WWE are taking us. Even though Ronda has exceeded all bell-to-bell expectations with aplomb, they're still trying to make her look a fool.
(If this all boils down to Stephanie McMahon holding a grudge against her following WrestleMania 34, I'll shake my fist towards the sky very vigorously for roughly 2-3 minutes before tuning into both Raw and SmackDown at the next possible opportunity.)
I don't understand why WWE would want to make arguably their biggest draw these days look so silly. By saying that Ronda doesn't understand what's graps and what's not, they're not only making her look silly and incapable of learning very simple things, but they're also having a go at every single person who had a hand in her training in the build-up to 'Mania: they didn't do their jobs very well, she's not capable of doing hers - nobody comes out of these comments looking good when we really dig down deep.
For WWE's narrative to be true and for Ronda Rousey to really not understand the differences between WWE and UFC, she should be booked accordingly. She should be shown cutting weight before a PPV match even though she doesn't need to, she should be getting disqualified for things she's used to doing inside a cage but isn't allowed to do in a squared circle, she should be wearing a bloody mouthguard and
on all of her opponents, cowboy. Why we haven't seen any of that while the commentators and authority figures on Raw continue to push the notion that she sees cage when she's in a wrestling ring baffles me.
One thing Ronda certainly shouldn't be doing is all kinds of things that scream SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT before we're all told she doesn't really know what sports entertainment is. She clearly displayed during that opening segment on Monday night that she understands what WWE is all about, and what it takes to produce compelling sports entertainment. That segment is exactly what WWE's brand of big-time, serious sports entertainment should be.
Could you imagine if a UFC fighter did what Ronda did on Monday (something WWE are saying is a possibility in this story)? They'd be fined, suspended, and potentially fired by Dana White without question. WWE is silly, we all know that - so while Ronda did get suspended, the potential of something more serious happening to her just wasn't there. And if it was, she would be just as silly as WWE are making her look now for trying something in the first place. It's a vicious cycle, this.
Aside from having a little
at WWE's writing, I guess the point I'm trying to make here is about athletes at the top of their respective fields coming into WWE and slotting straight in without issue. The two highest-profile examples are Ronda herself and Kurt Angle. While both weren't known for their showmanship during their respective journeys to WWE, they have something in their makeup which seemingly means they just
get it
. Kurt got it in double quick time, and while Ronda might not be as strong with microphone in hand just now (although there is improvement to be seen week-on-week), she's already proven she's got that knack in spades.
Imagine being a natural at something... must be nice.
Why don't they hammer this point home? Why don't they have her rile up the likes of Alexa Bliss and Nia Jax by saying
'how, lasses, I've only been doing this a few months and I'm twice as good as you ever will be!'
I know sentiments like that scream heel, and for the moment Ronda is as big a
blue eye
as they come, but I see people getting behind her confidence because it isn't misplaced - you can see that statement being proven correct every time she does something physical. Call me a basic b*tch for making the following comparison if you like, but I saw fire only Brock Lesnar is capable of producing from Ronda on Monday. In my eyes - and this might only be down to the fact we get to see him once a year - Brock is the only WWE Superstar who can get an entire arena's worth of fans out of their seats with his actions alone. Of course, the likes of Seth Rollins are breathtaking at their scintillating best, but watch a Brock beatdown and you'll see a reaction from the masses looking on like no other. Rousey is special, and I don't think WWE are embracing her properly.
WWE are in such a strong position with a performer that people are invested in exceeding all expectations and they're making her look silly. I just don't get it.