
Samoa Joe Compares Tony Khan To An Overfilled Balloon

Tony Khan, the overfilled balloon

From his awkward promos to hyping up the crowd at AEW TV tapings, Tony Khan is very much viewed as the eccentric owner of All Elite Wrestling. 

Samoa Joe has his own opinion of Tony Khan, though, and The Samoan Submission Machine compared his boss to an overfilled balloon during an appearance on the AEW Unrestricted podcast

Speaking about the first time he met Khan, Joe noted: "So, I actually met Tony prior to AEW and everything, just backstage at a WWE show just hanging out. He was just a cool, quirky guy. Man, he's got a lot of ideas. I liken Tony to an overfilled balloon, all you have to do is just prick the skin, and then all the ideas, everything just comes flooding out in a mass. Really high energy dude, seemed cool, and our talks since then have always been very cool. We get along well, we have a lot of commonalities."

Joe has been a member of AEW since he returned to Ring Of Honor on April 1. He has since captured the ROH World Television Championship and he will be a participant in the Owen Hart Foundation Men's Tournament. 

H/T to Wrestling Inc.

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Twitter: @theaidangibbons