Samoa Joe: Working With AJ Styles And Christopher Daniels Is Like Being On Autopilot

The three famously clashed in TNA’s X-Division

Samoa Joe has worked some of the greatest names in wrestling history, with bouts against the likes of Kurt Angle, Mitsuharu Misawa, Bryan Danielson, and Kenta Kobashi on his resume.

Of all his opponents, one of Joe’s most famous feuds was against AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels in TNA, with the three tearing the house down at Unbreakable 2005.

Now, in a special appearance on The Kurt Angle Show podcast, Joe compared working with Angle to working with Styles and Daniels saying the following:

"[Daniels and AJ] way more than working with [Kurt Angle]. Let's just make this clear, it's an utter blowout win for the other two guys for one simple reason, with Kurt, I know I'm gonna sit down with Kurt - it's carving the Mona Lisa. 'Listen, here's the deal. You got a chisel too and we're gonna meet somewhere in the middle it's gonna be awesome. You do your side...' So you really gotta work to meet his amount of effort. You got to be there with him, and it's a collaborative effort and Kurt's gonna make [suggestions], 'What do you think about this?' and it's gonna be meticulously gone over and we're gonna get it right. With Chris and AJ, they're brilliant. They come up with everything. I've worked them a million times, so I can just read what they do, so it was like it was autopilot. Anytime I'm in the ring with those guys, it's autopilot because I've literally worked them so many times. From an 'ease of profession' standpoint, those guys [over Kurt] by far and away. When you're with Kurt, you got to sit down and get your homework out. You know what you're doing."

Kurt angle agreed, "You know, AJ and Chris Daniels, you're right Joe. They come up with the best stuff and they're so easy to work. You don't even break a sweat when you work with them.”

Joe concluded, "No you don't and you know that as well as I do. It's one of those rare qualities in guys where, you know, there's certain there's always gonna be certain unsung heroes in the world of wrestling. Bobby Eaton was one of them he's you know, I think he's kind of the epitome of that type of guy where there are just guys that you're in that ring with they're going to make everything you do look good effortlessly. They're just idea guys. They know how to approach a problem or they know how to pull the best out of you and, I mean, those are truly like you know special performers in both those guys they're definitely those kinds of performers."

H/T: Fightful

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Written by Jack Atkins

Scripts, news, and features writer. Anything with words, basically.