Seth Rollins Discusses Jon Moxley's Departure From WWE
The Beast Slayer was asked about it during a recent Q&A in London...
Dec 13, 2019
After debuting in All Elite Wrestling,
Jon Moxley did an interview with Chris Jericho during which they discussed why he left WWE.Moxley explained he chose not to renew his contract because he was mentally and physically exhausted with the constant battles he had with Vince McMahon and WWE creative. He said: "I remember physically leaning on a road case and feeling like actual exhaustion, just like emotional, physical, mental exhaustion. And not so much because of that day, but because of six years of this. Six years of having to go into this man’s office - this old man, and trying to explain to him why wearing a surgical mask is a stupid idea. Why carrying a little red wagon to the ring is a stupid idea. Why naming a mannequin in the ring is a stupid idea. I was just like, I was done."
Back in June, Moxley's former Shield brother Seth Rollins made somewhat derogatory comments about his departure,
saying the former WWE Champion "took his ball and went home." However, The Beast Slayer's comments were considered to have been made partially in kayfabe, with Moxley having signed for one of WWE's rivals.
The Architect gave his genuine thoughts on Moxley's departure during a recent Q&A for Gorilla Position Live
. He elaborated that he doesn't have any beef with his former partner, as he understood why he left. The former Universal Champion also mentioned that he texted Moxley on his birthday and wished him well.
Rollins said: "Oh absolutely not. I never had any beef with him for leaving. He marches to the beat of his own drum. We were all kind of talking contract-wise, we knew his stuff was up and he decided he didn’t want to stay and that had nothing to do with wanting to go somewhere else. He was exhausted because of the process and wrestling 200 matches a year and travelling an extra 100 days on top of that for six-plus years or whatever he did, just was beating him into the ground, and his elbow wasn’t getting better as much as he wanted it to. So there was never any beef with him on him leaving at all, at no point. So I think some of the comments that I made after that were misconstrued. I never had a problem with him leaving or anything like that. I thought some of the stuff he said on the Jericho podcast was a little unnecessary and I thought it was one of those things where he couldn’t handle the pressure, and it’s not for everybody at that point, and that’s all I was commenting on. I was commenting on him leaving. I wasn’t like "Oh you betrayed us and left." Absolutely not. I sent him a text on his birthday which was a few days ago and wished him well. I hope that he’s good and he seems to be doing great at AEW and New Japan so, I wish nothing but the best for him and his lovely wife."