
Slim Jim Battle Royal Set For SummerSlam, LA Knight Will Compete

LA Knight will be in the Slim Jim SummerSlam Battle Royal

The match sponsors are making a return in a week’s time. After WrestleMania 39 saw an array of sponsors for matches, with Mike’s Hard Lemonade taking over the Intercontinental Championship match between Gunther, Sheamus, and Drew McIntyre, the Pope’s Exorcist movie getting promoted by the Hell in a Cell match between Edge and Finn Balor, and several others more, the trend is set to continue at SummerSlam.

WWE have officially announced the “Slim Jim” SummerSlam Battle Royal for the upcoming premium live event, which is no doubt solely in place due to the sponsorship, especially as no apparent stakes have been set for the match thus far. 

LA Knight’s lack of SummerSlam plans have now been sorted out, as he is set to compete in the match. Joining him will be Sheamus, with those two being the first revealed participants. It was announced that stars from both Raw and SmackDown will be competing in the match, though it wasn’t made clear how many participants will be entering.

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Written by Andrew Kelly