TNA Genesis 2025 Results
All the action from TNA Genesis 2025
Jan 20, 2025
It’s a new year, and for TNA Wrestling year two of it’s new era, with TNA Genesis coming a year after the promotion’s rebirth at Hard To Kill in January 2024.
The first Genesis event since 2021 - and the first on PPV since the 2013 edition - the show was the first since the partnership between TNA and WWE NXT was made official. But did anyone from ‘the fed’ turn up to Garland, Texas to get involved with the action?
We have all the results from TNA Genesis below.
Gia Miller was joined by Tommy Dreamer, Dave LaGreca, and Mark Henry on the pre-show panel. NXT’s Ariana Grace showed up at one point to cut a promo accepting all the credit for sorting the NXT and TNA partnership, before handing the mic over to Ashante thee Adonis. Adonis then threw out an open challenge to any TNA star which was answered by Jake Something
Jake Something def. Ashante Adonis - Pre-show
Adonis threw his jacket at Something and rushed the big man at the bell, but Jake recovered with a series of shoulderblocks. Adonis fired back but couldn’t match Something’s power, the big man wailing on the NXT star. Adonis again found his way back into the match, folding Jake with a series of shouldertackles in the corner before eating a big spear and a series of lariats. Ashante went up top but Jake managed to connect with a big forearm shot to level Ashante then Into the Void for the 1-2-3.
Frankie Kazarian def. Leon Slater - Pre-show
A first televised TNA singles clash between ‘The Future’ Frankie Kazarian, and what many believe to be one of the future stars of TNA Leon Slater, with the System’s JDC on comms for the occasion.
Kaz was brash in the opening exchanges, getting the better of Leon and posing for added insolence. Slater soon used his youthful speed to get a foothold in the bout, hitting a Tajiri rebound handspring elbow to send Kaz reeling. Leon ended up on the top rope, but Kaz just shoved him straight down to the floor before hitting a slingshot leg in the ring for two. Kaz continued pummelling Slater but could not put him away, until Leon flipped out of a backdrop, then built momentum with a big single leg dropkick to the face. Slater went back up top for a big diving crossbody for two. Kaz went for the chicken wing but couldn’t get it, Slate rfollowing up with a release blue thunder bomb for a nearfall. Leon tried baiting Kaz on the apron but Kaz’s veteran instincts saw him hit a fameasser and a slingshot cutter for two. Kaz again went for the chicken wing to little avail, and a Fade to Black attempt was avoided by Leon.
The crowd came unglued as Slater hit a huge sideways tope over the turnbuckle to the floor, then went up for the Swanton 450 but Kazarian got the knees up, then rolled up Leon with a handful of tights for the win.
Moose (c) def. Ace Austin - TNA X-Division Championship
Moose came to the ring with his new massive X-Division Championship, but Austin was focused and angered, flying out of the traps with kicks to chop the ‘Wrestling God’ down after Moose’s recent comments about Chris Bey. Austin used his speed to get an advantage, flooring Moose with a flipping Senton off the apron. Moose shook it off to launch Ace through the guardrails, but when he went for a spear Austin dodged it as Moose crashed and burned. Ace tried to suplex Moose but couldn’t overpower the big man, but soon used Moose’s momentum against him to send him crashing into the mats with a big vertical suplex to ‘TNA’ chants.
Austin went to springboard in but was caught and chokeslammed onto the apron and onto the floor in a great spot. Austin narrowly beat the 10 count only to receive a serving of chops before turning the tables and serving up a plethora of chops and kicks of his own. Moose again shook it off, levelling Ace with a big uranage. Ace was fired up though and wouldn’t stay down as the crowd chanted ‘ABC’, connecting with a spinning second rope kick then a standing double stomp for a nearfall. Big Go To Hell sitout chokebomb for two by Moose almost sealed it, then the two exchanged standing strikes to try and seal it. Moose went for a secon Go To Hell but Austin hit a springboard hurricanrana, then a flying headscissors over the top sent Moose to the floor. JDC and Alisha Edwards made their presence known, JDC sending Ace into the ringpost before reviving the champ. Moose went for a round the world spear but JDC ended up eating it, as Austin hit the fold to the champ on the floor.
Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers ran out to help but Austin hit them with the Fosbury Flop, then went for a springboard on Moose only to get cut in half with a huge spear… for two. Moose went for another uranage but Austin rolled him up for two, but an Art of Finesse was met with a spear to the back by Moose, then another spear sealed the deal.
As The System surrounded a downed Austin Steve Maclin and Eric Young ran out to make the save, tangling with Myers and Edwards on the floor before hitting stereo tope suicidas and brawling around ringside.
Steve Maclin & Eric Young def. Eddie Edwards & Brian Myers
The four returned to the ring as Maclin and Young hit stereo ten counts whilst the ref tried to restore order and officially start the bout. The match then finally started to sarcastic cheers, as Maclin rocked Myers with a busaiku knee, but an Alisha trip allowed Eddie to hit a Blue Thunder Bomb. The System had Maclin isolated, utilising quick tags to keep the momentum in their favour. Maclin showed glimpses of a fightback but he couldn’t get a foothold, Myers and Eddie cutting off a fightback at any opportunity. Maclin eventually got enough room to hit a running knee breaker, then he and Eddie downed each other with clotheslines. Hot tag to Eric Young who ran wild, launching Myers off the top before hitting that gorgeous trademark elbow drop for two. Double underhook drop by The System for two but a Myers Roster Cut missed, allowing Maclin to tag in. Myers in the tree of woe, Alisha came in to slap Maclin as Myers hit the Roster Cut for two on the former TNA Champion.
Edwards and Myers went for System Overload on Maclin but Young made the save, before crushing Edwards with a bodypress to the floor as Maclin hit KIA on Myers for the win.
Spitfire (Jody Threat & Dani Luna) (c) def. Ash by Elegance & Heather by Elegance - TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championships
Dalls Cowboy Cheerleaders gear for Ash and Heather who were as usual announced by their Concierge. The Elegance Brand then swerved the Texas crowd with ‘Go Eagles’ cheers before rushing the champs. Dani Luna was having none of it, firing back at Ash with a standing frog splash for two before Jody Threat tagged in for some tandem offence on Ash for another two. Ash avoided a double Suplex to tag in Heather… who took a delayed double vertical suplex for her troubles, Spitfire holding Heather up for a good 20 seconds including a squat which was very impressive.
Concierge bickered with Threat as Ash kicked Dani Luna mid tope then danced exuberantly on the apron. Heather then fored back with a dropkick to Luna’s face, before a tandem top rope double stomp apron DDT by the Elegance Brand on Luna on the floor. Muta handspring by Ash and a low dropkick by Heather on Luna for two, the heels using quick tags to keep Luna far away from Threat in the opposing corner. Luna finally got enough of an opening to hit a single leg dropkick on Ash then got the hot tag as ‘The Wild Child’ ran… wild with a big fallaway slam on Heather, ten standing clotheslines in the corner, and a Michinoku Driver for two as Ash hit a Meteora to break the pin. Backstabber by Ash on Threat as heather hit a double stomp to the gut for two. Malfunction at the junction allowed Threat to fire off chops to the challengers as Luna tagged in with a cannonball from the top then a pair of snap German suplexes on Ash. Heather crossbody broke that up, but Jody Threat threw Ash to the floor but missed a rope hung double knees on Ash. Second rope German suplex brought Ash back into the ring from the apron, then a Pressure Drop tandem sitout powerbomb sealed the win for the champs.
Frankie Kazarian spoke on his win over Leon Slater, putting over Slater as the future whilst saying that he is the right now. Kaz talks about Hendry vs. Nemeth tonight, with the Call Your Shot Gauntlet winner saying he would be keeping a close eye on the main event
Tessa Blanchard def. Jordynne Grace
Grace wasted no time in rushing Blanchard at the opening bell, throwing Tessa to the floor and hitting a quick tope suicida then a Juggernaut Jackhammer on the mats. Loud ‘f*** you Tessa’ chants as the former TNA Champ drove Grace into the steps before going for a hurracanrana, but Grace caught her and swung Tessa into the guardrails, but an apron powerbomb attempt saw Blanchard wriggle out and hit a double stomp. Tessa kicked Grace around the ring before bringing the match back inside, folding Grace with a kick to the head and a vaulting body press for two. The two jockeyed for control, Blanchard nailing a reverse DDT for two as she maintained her advantage. Grace fought back, but a superplex attempt was thwarted as Tessa flipped out and locked in a choke, before a second rope lungblower for two. Stiff slap by Grace as Blanchard stood on the top rope, then a big avalanche fallaway slam that drew loud ‘holy s***’ chants as both women lay supine on the canvas.
Strike exchange went Grace’s way, followed by two bodyslams and a corner lawndart into a package flip-out sit-out powerbomb (say it fast three times) for a two count. More jockeying for position saw Blanchard come out on top with a double underhook destroyer for a nearfall. Grace avoided a Buzzsaw DDT to hit a big time spinebuster for two, but Tessa would not stay down fighting out of a deadlift cradle suplex to hit a jumping neckbreaker for two. The action returned to the floor with a twisting bodypress by Blanchard, but Grace returned fire with a rolling Spicolli Driver off the steps onto the floor as the ref checked on both competitors. Back in ring Grace wanted the Juggernaut Driver but instead the action returned to Bret’s rope, as Blanchard hit a crucifix driver for two. Lovely octopus by Tessa in the centre of the ring, but Grace reversed it into a rebound German suplex then a follow-up reverse cradle suplex for two. Big cutter by Blanchard for two, with the third generation star gesturing to the top rope to finish things off. Magnum attempt missed, Blanchard clinging on to the turnbuckle for dear life before Jordan did the inverted swing then a reverse Alabama Slam for two. Blanchard would not stay down and again went to rip off the turnbuckle pad as the ref cautioned her, but this gave Grace time, but a Muscle Buster attempt was scouted as Tessa hit the Buzzsaw Hammerlock DDT into the bottom turnbuckle for two as grace grasped the ropes.
Tessa exposed the middle buckle for a bulldog onto Grace, then hit the Magnum diving lungblower for the three count. Tessa celebrated over a laid out Grace, will we see the Juggernaut again in a TNA ring?
Mike Santana def. Josh Alexander - I Quit match
Alexander’s Northern Armory banned from ringside for this one. No matter as Alexander started fast, looking to out-manoeuvre Santana on the mat rather than engage in a full-on brawl. Santana threw Josh to the floor, but the former TNA World Champion quickly scuttled back into the ring - he had a plan and he was sticking to it. Santan led the crowd in ‘he’s a b***h’ chants then rocked Alexander with several big boots and a tope con gilo to a big reaction, Santana then booted Alexander around ringside before unearthing a table, Powerbomb attempt by Santana avoided, as Alexander sent hi flying with a release belly-to-belly suplex on the floor before whipping Santana into the steel steps. Alexander then focused his attacks on Santana’s knee, wrapping it around the ringpost then locking in a Bret Hart ringpost figure four. A limping Santana smacked Alexander’s head into the post, but Josh fired back with another assault on Santana’s knee.
Alexander with the three amigos to boos in the late Eddie Guerrero’s home state, but a diving crossbody through the ropes was scouted as Santana avoided it. Alexander fired back with a drop down body slam into the apron but Santana would not quit. Alexander fired off some stiff chops into Santana’s chest and multiple German suplexes, but ate a kick to the face when Santana saw an opening. Big corner cannonball by Santana but a follow-up avalanche backdrop was thwarted, but Alexander missed a return moonsault. Rolling Spicolli Driver by Santana but a rolling lariat was blocked as Alexander rolled through into a standing ankle lock in the middle of the ring. Santana rolled out of the lock - and his boot - but was backdropped out of the ring through the table. The ref asked Santana if he wanted to quit to which Santana replied “I don’t quit’ to cheers, as Alexander placed another table in the ring and the bottom half of the steel steps before slamming Santana onto the broken table. Alexander then grabbed a steel chair and wailed repeatedly on Santana’s knee in the ring as Santana refused to quit, even laughing down the mic. An incensed Alexander repeatedly elbowed Santana in the face and busted him open, then hit a huge C4 Spike which Santana no sold and fired back with punches and an awkward buckle bomb. Springboard avalanche Frankensteiner then a follow-up Frog Splash by Santana and the Spin the Block clothesline which managed to knock Josh Alexander’s mouthguard out and his headgear off such was the force of the hit.
Santana grabbed Alexander’s zipties and bound Alexander’s hands behind his back for another STB but Alexander would not quit. With Alexander in the corner, Santana placed to table over him, then launched off the steps with a cannonball through the table into Alexander as the ref asked him once more if he wanted to quit. Santana then got the madball from beneath the apron - aka pool balls in a sock. Santana wailed on a bleeding Alexander’s unprotected stomach with the madball as Josh told him ‘he’d never be the guy’. Santana then readied Alexander for a bound curbstomp into the steps to which a terrified Alexander quit on the spot. Santana celebrated, then grabbed the mic to demand Alexander get to his feet and face him like a man. Santana then demanded Alexander shake his hand to which Alexander obliged. Josh then took the mic and said Santana was the standard of TNA now. Alexander said he quit the match tonight, and he’s also quitting TNA too.
Matt & Jeff Hardy (c) def. The Rascalz (Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel) - TNA World Tag Team Championships
No sooner had The Hardys made their entrance to a heroes welcome then the NXT Tag Team Champions Fraxiom made their presence felt, with Nathan Frazer and Axiom sitting ringside to watch this one.
Matt Hardy started with Trey Miguel, the two in a stalemate in the opening exchanges. Zachary Wentz and Jeff Hardy then tangled, exchanging quick pinfall attempts before Matt tagged back in for some trademark Hardy tandem offence. Quick tags by the champs who showed their veteran instincts with the full support of the crowd, but The Rascalz are no rookies, and soon fired back with quick strikes on Jeff. Wentz went for a tope but was caught by Matt who hit a Side Effect on the floor before sending Wentz into the crowd. Double leg drops by The Hardys on Miguel for two then a Plot Twist for two as Wentz appeared out of nowhere to break the tag. Diving tag to Wentz by Miguel, Wentz flying in with a dropkick to the champs, then assisted launching dropkicks in the corners. Wentz dropkicked Matt into Fraxiom, then in the confusion Trey Miguel ended up hitting the NXT Tag Champs with a tope suicida. TNA security escorted Fraxiom to the back as Jeff ran at The Rascalz with a steel step assisted Poetry in motion on the floor.
Side Effect by Matt on Wentz in the ring, but Miguel made the save with a nice enziguri as we had a stalemate. Poetry in Motion on Miguel in the corner as Matt readied for Twist of Fate, but Miguel fought out and pushed Matt into the corner knocking Jeff off the top. Double stomp to Jeff as Wentz flew onto Matt on the floor with a cannonball Senton. Jeff Twist of fate onto Miguel got a nearfall, but a second attempt was met by a Wentz superkick. Matt threw Wentz off the top rope to the floor, then The Hardys hit the Twist of Fate and a Swanton Bomb onto Trey Miguel for the 1-2-3.
Masha Slamovich (c) def. Rosemary - TNA Knockouts World Championship Clockwork Orange House of Fun match
Plunder all around the ring for this one - falls count anywhere, no DQ rules in place. Masha started off with a bin lid before grabbing a staple gun, and stapling Rosemary’s hand as she attempted to grab the weapon for herself. Follow up staple to Rosemary’s armpit as the crowd winced, as Masha grabbed Raven’s cane to continue the assault. Mist to the face by Rosemary on the floor, before bringing the fight back into the ring with a Raven drop toe hold into the chair onto a running Slamovich. Rosemary positioned a table at ringside, but as she was re-entering the ring Masha came flying with a crossbody driving them both through the wood. Masha then dragged Rosemary around the ring by the throat with a chain then just peppered Rosemary with whatever weapons she could find. Masha went for an apron cannonball onto a seated Rosemary, but the challenger moved as the champ slammed hard into the steel. Big reaction as Rosemary unearthed Janice - Abyss’ nail strewn 2x4, but a first a swing with the weapon missed as it snapped in half on the stairs. Didn’t matter though as Rosemary drove the nails into Masha’s stomach and back before disappearing backstage and returning with a bag of thumbtacks, pouring them out on the side of the stage. The two jockeyed for position before Rosemary hit a spear into the tacks then dragged Masha by the hair back to the ring. Rosemary readied a barbed wire board but took too long, as Masha dropped her with s Snowplow into the wire for two, then followed up with a diving double stomp - also for two.
With Rosemary down Masha grabbed a ladder and climbed the rungs, but Rosemary fired back to send the champ flying out of the ring and through a table on the floor, but could only get a two when eventually going for the pin on the floor. Rosemary set up four chairs in front of the turnbuckle and lay the champ across them, but as Rosemary went up top Masha fired back and a second rope Requiem piledriver into the chairs for the 1-2-3.
As Masha celebrated with the title NXT’s Cora Jade came out and went face-to-face with Slamovich in the ring, Masha lifting the Knockouts title in her face in response.
The pre-show panel returned to the stage with Santino Marella. Santino asked the panel who they thought would leave the main event with the title. Gia Miller couldn’t pick, Mark Henry went with Joe Hendry, Dave LaGreca picked Nic Nemeth, but as Tommy Dreamer went to speak Ryan Nemeth arrived to complain only to be banned from ringside by Santino with TNA security escorting the ‘Hollywood Hunk’ to the back.
Joe Hendry def. Nic Nemeth (c) - TNA World Championship
In-ring introductions for this one, lots of support for Hendry, a decidedly mixed reaction for the champ, before both men circled, nodded in respect, then locked up. Opening exchanges saw both men jockey for position, Hendry having some fun with Nemeth before the two exchanged roll-up pin attempts, then a bout of one-upmanship with chain wrestling exchanges before Nemeth planted Hendry with a dropkick. Hendry fired back with a stalling suplex attempt but Nemeth dropped back into a sleeper hold, only for Hendry to grab the vertical suplex again and paraded Nemeth around the ring before dropping the champ.
Ryan Nemeth appeared in the crowd with a ticket to boos as Nic hit a leaping DDT for two. Hendry again fired back with strikes and a sunset flip, but Nemeth dropped him with a neckbreaker then the heart attack elbow for two and locked in a crossface. Strikes by Hendry and a backslide for two, only for Nemeth to land another dropkick. Big cutter by Hendry then a yay boo strike exchange which Joe got the best off. Fallaway slam across the ring and a kip up by the challenger, but Nemeth scouted a Standing Ovation attempt. Pop-up Powerbomb by Hendry out of nowhere for two and an Attitude Adjustment for two as momentum built in the challenger’s favour. Up top Hendry looked for an avalanche Fallaway Slam but was sent flying, Nemeth diving through with a crossbody as Hendry rolled through only for Nemeth to land a Fame-Asser out of nowhere for two.
A cocky Nemeth went up top but was cut off by Hendry who finally got that super Fallaway Slam as Frankie Kazarian turned up with his Call Your Shot trophy. Kaz went to call his shot but John Layfield arrived out of nowhere to level Kazarian, then punched Ryan Nemeth for good measure before exiting through the crowd. Standing Ovation by Hendry… but Nemeth kicked out. The crowd chanted ‘one more time’ at the ‘Local Hero’ as he lead them in claps, but Nemeth avoided it and hit the superkick and Danger Zone… for two as Hendry kicked out at the death. Nemeth tuned up the band, but Hendry caught him with a Fallaway Slam, then another Standing Ovation and the 1-2-3 - Joe Hendry is finally the TNA World Champion.
Full results - TNA Genesis, January 19 2025:
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