WWE, Oliver Sjöström, Instagram: @ollivves, Website: https://ollivves.com/

Vince McMahon Owns Yacht Named 'Sexy B*tch'

Who is it named after, though?

Vince McMahon is an enigma. I wish there was a Vince McMahon museum open somewhere so I could go and learn everything there is to learn about Vince McMahon.

We've heard many tales about the Genetic Jackhammer over the past few decades and I want to believe absolutely every single one of them.

We're going to make this a new thing here on Cultaholic.com where once a week, we take a look at a random factoid about Vince McMahon that some of you may not know. The aim being, of course, to broaden our horizons and make us better people, rich in knowledge about one of the most fascinating human beings to ever walk the face of the planet.

We kick things off with a rumour AND an innuendo that has been confirmed in many, many places - so it's definitely true.

Vince McMahon owns a yacht called 'Sexy B*tch' - and of course Vince McMahon owns a yacht called Sexy B*tch, he's Vince McMahon dammit!

'Sexy B*tch' was revealed to be an actual thing when Linda was running for office in Connecticut. Because she was bound to the world of professional wrestling - which if you haven't heard has a certain stigma attached to it in certain circles - the media wanted to unearth all the dirt they possibly could on poor Linda.

One of the things the media found out was the fact that Vince owns a 47-foot boat which, at the time, was stationed in Boca Raton, Florida.

The main question surrounding this boat is who it's named after. Yes, Vince McMahon appears to be the type of guy who would name his own boat after himself and call it 'Sexy B*tch' - but he also appears to be the type of bloke who would call somebody like Bruce Prichard 'Sexy B*tch' as well.

At the end of the day, all I need in my life as of right now is footage of Vince McMahon asking his family if they wanted to go for a ride on his yacht: "DAMMIT, LET'S GO FOR A RIDE ON SEXY B*TCH," he would probably bark.

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Written by Ross Tweddell

Written and video journalist for Cultaholic Wrestling | twitter: @rossonrasslin | instagram: @rossonrasslin