Vince McMahon Shut Down Talent On WWE Raw For 'Having Too Much Fun’
Vince McMahon put an end to talent fun on WWE Raw
Jan 5, 2024
Vince McMahon is a man set in his ways, and although his ways may seem completely foreign and unhinged to everyone else, he trusted his gut and used his intuition to build a billion-dollar empire.
One of Vince’s main roles during WWE TV broadcasts was to monitor and converse with commentary from Gorilla Position backstage, with Vince known for barking orders through the headset. It also seems that he didn’t want his announce team having ‘too much fun’, as former Raw commentator Mace revealed during a conversation with René Dupree on Café De René:
“Me, Vic [Joseph] and King [Jerry Lawler], it was like a really fun episode of Raw and at that time, I think it was 2019, those were few and far between. It was a really fun episode of Raw and we’re having a blast. We’re cracking jokes, the chemistry is on point. I hear [Michael] Cole in my head. He’s like, ‘Oh, you guys are killing it right now. You guys are doing great’ and then I hear Vince [McMahon] in the back of my ear, ‘You guys are having too much fun. You’re not there yet’ and then I’m like, alright and it’s another time where you’re just like — because you have to talk for three hours, so as soon as you’re in your own head about what do I say? What do I say? Then all of a sudden, you’re stumbling over yourself and you don’t know what to do. So, that was one of two times where I was just like, alright, I’m just gonna ease back into the chair and kind of let King, who’s been doing this for 50 years, carry the load because I don’t know what to say,” said Mace.
Now with Vince McMahon out of the day-to-day running of WWE creative, talents are reportedly finding the company more fun since Triple H took over as Chief Content Officer.
H/T: POST Wrestling