
WWE Bash In Berlin Results

WWE Bash in Berlin results!

Two months on from Clash at the Castle and WWE return to Europe for Bash in Berlin from the Uber Arena in Berlin, Germany. The company will present five matches on the main card, including Austria's Gunther defending the World Heavyweight Championship against Randy Orton and Cody Rhodes vs. Kevin Owens for the Undisputed WWE Championship. 

WWE Bash in Berlin card:

  • Gunther (c) vs. Randy Orton - World Heavyweight Championship
  • Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Kevin Owens - Undisputed WWE Championship 
  • CM Punk vs. Drew McIntyre - Strap Match
  • The Terror Twins (Damian Priest & Rhea Ripley) vs. Judgment Day (Dominik Mysterio & Rhea Ripley)
  • The Unholy Union (Isla Dawn & Alba Fyre) (c) vs. Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill - WWE Women's Tag Team Championships 


Cody Rhodes (c) def. Kevin Owens - Undisputed WWE Championship

Two friends collided in the opening contest as Kevin Owens challenged Cody Rhodes for the Undisputed WWE Championship after The American Nightmare invited KO to face him for the gold belt. Potential issues were in store for the Undisputed WWE Champion, though, as Cody was dealing with a storyline knee injury. 

The two competitors shook hands to open up the match and the in-ring action started out slowly, with Kevin Owens blocking an early Cody Cutter attempt from the champion. KO followed up soon after with a Senton and proceeded to work over his friend slowly before the two men blocked each other's finisher and Cody proceeded to drive his head into Owens as the champ's annoyance was plain to see. 

After back-and-forth action, Kevin Owens hit a Frog Splash from the apron to the floor but he only managed to score a one count. Cody later fired back with a Cody Cutter after more action but Owens kicked out at two. The two talents exchanged strikes and KO picked up another near fall after spiking Cody's head on the back of his knee. KO then followed up with a Green Bay Plunge (KENNEDY!) from the top rope with another near fall. 

Rhodes was not deterred and Kevin Owens kicked out of a Cross Rhodes at two as the crowd in Berlin became unglued. Owens then followed up with an Avalanche Fisherman's Buster for yet another near fall. An exchange followed before Cody went for a Cody Cutter, only to collapse to the mat because of his storyline injured knee. Kevin Owens considered going after the knee but initially refused before Cody said he was okay so KO kicked his knee out. 

Owens then considered hitting a Powerbomb on the apron but decided not to, only to follow up with a Stunner back in the ring once Rhodes tried to roll up his opponent. KO went for the Pop Up Powerbomb but Cody simply hit two more Cross Rhodes. Owens reversed a third attempt into a second Stunner but the Undisputed WWE Champion managed to kick out at 2.9. Cody got his knee up on a Swanton Bomb attempt from Owens and another Cross Rhodes was enough for the win. 

Post-match, an angry Kevin Owens embraced Cody Rhodes and raised his opponent's arm but a heel turn from KO was certainly teased. 

Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill def. The Unholy Union (Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn) (c) - WWE Women's Tag Team Championships

The challengers dominated in the early going as the fans in Berlin were firmly behind Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill. A distraction from Isla Dawn allowed the heels to take control, though, with Alba Fyre firing Bianca Belair into the ring post before the former Kay Lee Ray wiped out Jade Cargill with a Suicide Dive. 

The champions spent the next several minutes working over Bianca Belair until she managed to make the hot tag to Jade Cargill who ran wild on the champions before scoring a near fall on Isla Dawn with a Jackhammer. The Unholy Union soon fired back with a DDT tag team move but Jade Cargill broke up the pin at 2. 

Alba Fyre managed to kick out herself after the challengers combined to hit a double-team move. Unholy Union then blocked a KOD attempt and looked to follow up with a Backstabber-Swanton combo but Jade Cargill managed to pull on the rope, although a little late so the spot looked awkward. Moments later, Bianca Belair hit a Spinebuster and the challengers hit their DDT-German Suplex finisher for the win. 

Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill are WWE Women's Tag Team Champions once again. 

CM Punk def. Drew McIntyre - Strap Match 

Before the match could even begin, Drew McIntyre attacked CM Punk before the straps could be attached to their respective wrists. McIntyre bounced Punk off the announce table and proceeded to lay in fists on Punk back in the squared circle. The referee briefly separated the two competitors before Drew whipped Punk like, as JR would say, a scolded dog.

With Punk down, McIntyre attached the strap to his and Punk's wrists before he proceeded to whip his opponent some more. Irn Dru then became the first man to touch a corner but McIntyre's gloating simply allowed CM Punk to hit a Go To Sleep from out of nowhere. Punk then decided not to touch the corner and whipped Drew McIntyre.

The in-ring action became more even from here as McIntyre flipped off Michael Cole on the announce table before Punk blocked a Futureshock DDT attempt with a Back Body Drop on the announce table. If you like whipping this was certainly the match for you as the two rivals took plenty of turns whipping each other with the leather strap. 

Drew McIntyre then gained the upper hand and busted CM Punk open hardway following steel chair shots and a headbutt. McIntyre tried to pick up the win by touching the corners but Punk blocked him with a Running Knee. The 'Voice of the Voiceless' then introduced a table and ate a Claymore from McIntyre for taking so long. Punk, with blood still dripping, managed to fire back by driving McIntyre's head into a steel chair in the corner and Punk hit three of the four corners but McIntyre blocked him from the win to reset the lights. 

With the strap on, McIntyre yeeted Punk over the top rope and through the table on the outside, knocking the strap off in the process. It was soon reattached by the referee. McIntyre then carried Punk around as he touched the corners but Punk was touching the corners straight after so the babyface ended up with three corners, only for both men to fail in touching the fourth corner. 

McIntyre tapped moments later after Punk applied the Sharpshooter, channelling his inner Bret Hart. McIntyre soon faded because of the pain and Punk managed to hit two turnbuckles before McIntyre hit a Neckbreaker to reset the counters 

McIntyre followed up with a kip up, took out the infamous bracelet and hit a Claymore. Three corner touches later and Punk hit a GTS to reset the counters once again. McIntyre desperately tried to fight back but he only ate a third GTS for his resistance. Punk hit two turnbuckles and a fourth GTS before hitting the third corner. A fifth GTS followed and Punk reclaimed the bracelet before hitting the fourth corner for the win. 

The Terror Twins (Damian Priest & Rhea Ripley) def. Judgment Day (Dominik Mysterio & Liv Morgan) 

The Terror Twins couldn't wait to get their hands on Judgment Day and Damian Priest dominated the early going, working over Dominik Mysterio as the crowd chanted for Rhea Ripley. The crowd got their wish and Rhea Ripley spent some time dominating Liv Morgan while mocking Dominik with the Eddie Guerrero shake of the shoulders. 

Dominik managed to fight back following a tag to Damian Priest by firing the former World Heavyweight Champion into the steel steps. Damian Priest soon took back control, though, and the match was extremely one-sided in favour of The Terror Twins for the opening 10 minutes. Rhea Ripley was soon tagged in and she battered Liv Morgan before turning her attention to Dirty Dom, decking her former lover with a Short-Arm Lariat and choking him in the corner with her legs. Ripley then went for Riptide but Liv Morgan saved Mysterio and took control, hitting a very cool move that was basically a set-up for the Riptide into a Crucifix Bomb. 

Ripley managed to make the hot tag to Damian Priest and the former Punishment Martinez ran wild and scored a very close near fall with a vicious Lariat, only for Liv to break up the pin. With The Terror Twins on top, they hit simultaneous Razor's Edges. Priest then pulled down his singlet straps and went for the South of Heaven, only for Carlito and JD McDonagh to interfere. This allowed Liv Morgan to hit a Sunset Flip Powerbomb on Ripley into the barricade. 

With the referee distracted, Finn Balor came out of nowhere and hit a Slingblade. Dom then followed up with a 619 and Frog Splash but Priest managed to kick out at 2.9. Following a tag, Liv Morgan decked Ripley with a Suicide Dive but Rhea blocked Oblivion. Ripley then went for a Riptide but was distracted by JD McDonagh which allowed Liv to hit a Codebreaker. On the outside, Priest took out both Finn Balor and JD McDonagh but this only allowed Dirty Dom to recover before he ran straight into a lariat on the announce table. 

Liv Morgan then fell victim to a head butt and Riptide as The Terror Twins picked up the win. 

Gunther (c) def. Randy Orton - World Heavyweight Championship

Main event time and Austria's Gunther defended the World Heavyweight Championship against Randy Orton. The action started out very slowly with both talents simply soaking up the atmosphere in the Uber Arena. The action began to slowly ramp up but it remained extremely slow for the first 10 minutes in between Orton taking time to applaud the crowd. 

Orton took control after the action spilt to the outside, driving Gunther into the steel steps before he hit his patented Back Drop on the announce table multiple times. Orton took time to target the right arm of Gunther before he hit a third and fourth Back Drop on the announce table. Back in the ring, Orton repeatedly worked over Gunther's right arm as Gunther tried to fire back with Chops using his weaker arm. The action remained desperately slow as Orton applied a Chin Lock and followed up with a Fallaway Slam. 

After another five minutes of Orton dominance, the 14-time world champion hit a Superplex and a chop battle followed, Gunther forced to use his left hand. Old school Orton stopped a brief Gunther flurry with a thumb to the eye. Orton then hit his Draping DDT and the crowd in Berlin chanted for the challenger to connect with an RKO. Orton obliged but Gunther blocked with a German Suplex and followed up with a Shotgun Dropkick before connecting with a Splash. 

That wasn't enough to put Randy Orton away, though, and Orton managed to kick out at two. Gunther went for a Powerbomb but the World Heavyweight Champion's arm gave out because of all that limb work earlier. Gunther kept trying to go for the Powerbomb and he eventually managed to hit it but Orton kicked out again. 

RKO OUT OF NOWHERE when Gunther failed on a second Powerbomb but the World Heavyweight Champion managed to kick out. Randy Orton then spent minutes doing absolutely nothing, just having a breather really, before the two competitors decided to actually do something and Orton hit another Back Drop, this time dropping Gunther on the steel steps. 

Some more very slow walking around from Randy followed as he retrieved the other steel steps and hit a super Back Drop, sending Gunther crashing through the announce table. Orton decided not to bother trying to win the match and instead posed on the steel steps. Orton eventually got his opponent in the ring as a glacier in Antarctica moved faster and he went for a second RKO but Gunther dodged it and applied the Sleeper. 

Orton tried to escape but Gunther locked in a Bulldog Choke before transitioning back to the Sleeper. Gunther decided to chop Orton in the back of the head and applied the Sleeper again. Some elbows followed before the Sleeper a third time. Orton managed to escape but Gunther rose like the Undertaker and locked the Sleeper in a fourth time. Elbows had Orton out and the Sleeper being locked back in gave Gunther the win as Orton faded. 

Post-match, the two competitors shook hands as Orton put over the World Heavyweight Champion. 

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons