
WWE Reportedly Placing Blame For Seth Rollins Attack On Barclays Center Security Staff

A man was charged for assaulting Rollins

WWE have reportedly placed all blame and responsibility for the attack on Seth Rollins by a fan at this week's Monday Night Raw squarely at the feet of the Barclays Center security staff.

As previously noted, an individual jumped the barricade at the conclusion of Rollins' segment with Finn Balor on the November 22 episode of Raw, and tried to attack Rollins.

The man in question was detained by WWE officials and security, and the New York Police Department confirmed in a later statement that a 24-year-old had been arrested and with attempted assault and attempted violation of arts and cultural affairs following the incident. 

According to PWInsider, the backstage feel in WWE is that the blame for the incident lies with the security staff at the Barclays Center, with many believing they should have stopped the man from getting over the railings and to Rollins in the first place.

It is noted that WWE do have their own security detail on the road but, during live events, most of these people are utilised to secure the backstage areas while only one or two are placed within the crowd itself. Audience management is usually left to the host venue.

The report also indicates that a person, believed to be Seth Rollins' stylist, also had to be detained after they tried to get to the individual who jumped The Messiah on the Raw stage. They were then later permitted back into the venue.

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com