
WWE Wants 'Softballs' At Press Conferences, Says Former Personality

WWE just want easy questions at their press conferences

WWE's post-show press conferences and the nature of the questions asked has been a topic discussed within professional wrestling over the past month following an incident at the Backlash 2024 presser where WWE Chief Content Officer Paul "Triple H" Levesque insulted Lucas Charpiot for asking about Drew Gulak's WWE status. 

The hostility didn't just come from Triple H, though, and Charpiot later revealed that WWE PR told him "What a dumb thing to do" following the question and other journalists in the room groaned. 

Matt Camp, a former WWE personality, has now confirmed on his Wrestling Matt Show that WWE are just looking for members of the press to ask them softball questions at the post-show press conferences. 

Addressing his own experience of working WWE's press conferences while under contract with the company, Camp stated: 

"I remember the media that was in there and I'll tell you this, just to give you an idea of why I think we see the 'media members' get criticised is after I was done, one of the media members came up to me and asked for a picture. Happy to do so but I don't think you're giving off the right message to WWE or maybe you are because that's exactly what they want. They want fans in there, they want people that want to be part of the show, that don't want to mess with their part of the show. The press conference is part of the show. Does Triple H come out at the end and go, 'We set all these -' yeah, sure, that's the real part. But they want this just to be an addendum to the end of the show, we wrap things up and we let people speak a little bit and show their excitement and for the most part, they want softballs, right? That's why there have been criticism of some of these questions so I did that a few times. Probably five, six times."

Triple H has come under criticism for his responses to any serious questions, particularly earlier this year when he admitted at the Royal Rumble post-show press conference that he hadn't read the lawsuit filed by Janel Grant against Vince McMahon, John Laurinaitis, and WWE. 

Speaking further, Camp believes Triple H should be prepped better for the press conferences by WWE. 

"If you wanna be taken seriously and if you wanna just be part of the show, you can be part of the show, because that's what WWE wants when they get those questions at those shows. They want you to be part of it. They don't want you to push. I think they could do a better job of prepping Triple H on these so he's so he's not saying, 'Well I didn't read the lawsuit' or, 'I don't wanna talk - this guy's not credible.' He rips Fightful and he rips Mike Johnson for not being credible and then everybody's getting cheese from Fairfield and Greenwich, Connecticut. If he's prepped better, that stuff doesn't happen," Camp added.

H/T POST Wrestling

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons