
10 Awful WWE Gimmicks That Only Lasted One Night

10 terrible WWE gimmicks that only lasted one night

4. The Jynx Brothers

Jynx brothers 2

If you were one of the lucky people to catch the October 6, 1996, episode of WWE Superstars, boy were you treated to a smorgasbord of complete and utter rubbish. 

Zip! Salvatore Sincere! Leif Cassidy! Aldo Montoya! The Fake Diesel! 

While all those characters lingered like a bad smell, one particular gimmick from this episode was over and done that very night. 

Losing a short match to the Grimm Twins (Ron and Don Harris with another winner of a team name), the Jynx Brothers – that’s Ignus and Waldo, FYI – were masked little devils with neon-coloured hair. 

Under the hoods, they were longtime WWE jobbers Matt and Jeff Hardy. 

Unfortunately, it didn’t work and the Jynx Brothers were restricted to a single showing. Matt and Jeff went back to paying dues under their real names, but superstardom was right around the corner. 

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Written by Cultaholic