
10 Best Near Falls In WWE History

Best WWE kick-outs of all time

7. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle - WrestleMania 21

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We could have filled this list entirely with moments from WrestleMania. Instead, we’ve cherry-picked some of the greatest false finishes from across WrestleMania’s illustrious history, starting with this gem from Mania 21. 

In one of the greatest Mania matches of all time, Shawn Michaels took on Kurt Angle in a battle of style versus substance, sports entertainment versus pro wrestling.

One of the highlights of this epic encounter came when Michaels ascended to the top rope and quick as a flash, Angle jumped up behind him, caught him in an Angle Slam position, and dropped The Showstopper all the way to the mat below.

At the last possible second, HBK powered out of the super move, leaving everyone in a state of shock. Kicking out of a finisher is one thing, but a top rope finisher? Beautiful madness.

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Written by Cultaholic