
10 Best Near Falls In WWE History

Best WWE kick-outs of all time

6. Cactus Jack vs. Triple H - Royal Rumble 2000

Triple h royal rumble 2000 screenshot

During Triple H’s early days as a main eventer, he could have hit a T-Rex with a Pedigree and it would have stayed down for a three count.

The move was protected as all hell - despite The Ultimate Warrior’s best efforts a few years earlier - which is why it was truly special to see Mick Foley overcome it at the 2000 Royal Rumble.

As part of their legendary street fight, Foley as Cactus Jack was laid out with The Game’s finisher right after a back body drop into some thumbtacks. Just when it looked like the end, Jack somehow denied Trips the victory as the Madison Square Garden crowd went wild. 

He did then eat a Pedigree face first into a bunch of tacks. 

Not only did this make Foley look like a beast, but it also made Triple H even more of a heel for resorting to such fiendish tactics to put his opponent away. 

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Written by Cultaholic