
10 Best WWE European Champions

27 men held the belt between 1997-2002...

5. Eddie Guerrero

5. eddie guerrero as wwe european champion with chyna


Eddie Guerrero had an auspicious start in WWE. 

After jumping from the sinking ship that was WCW, Guerrero – along with Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn – caused a stir by attacking WWE wrestlers and being treated as a genuine threat from the off.

Then the next time they appeared on television, the quartet lost all of their matches and, worse, poor Eddie dislocated his elbow while performing a routine Frog Splash. It was a disheartening situation, the pain and worry etched over his face.

But you can’t keep a good Guerrero down, and Eddie rallied, coming into his own as a personality while temporarily on the side-lines. When he returned to the ring, he quickly captured the European Championship from Chris Jericho and started an onscreen relationship with Chyna.

Eddie was a fighting champion, defending in good matches against eclectic opponents such as his fellow Radicalz members, Rikishi and Essa Rios.

Latino Heat’s 100+ day run as European Champion is a fondly-remembered part of his early WWE days.

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for Cultaholic.com and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.