
10 Greatest Announce Table Spots In WWE History

10 best WWE announce table spots ever

7. The Rock's Double Finisher - Backlash 2000

Rock backlash 2000

Whilst Backlash 2000 might be best remembered for that insane pop Steve Austin got when he came out during the main event, it turns out there was an entire Rock versus Triple H match that happened before that!

Before he got some assistance from the Texas Rattlesnake, Rocky was in dire straits, as the evil McMahon-Helmsley gang had stacked the deck against him. 

Shane McMahon was the match’s referee, and was doing everything in his power to keep the WWE Title around his brother-in-law’s waist. Unfortunately for the boy wonder, things didn’t quite go to plan.

The Great One had The Game in position for a Rock Bottom on top of the announce table when Shane attempted to intervene. This led to the boss’ son getting put in the same position, before both he and Trips were driven through the table with a jumbo-sized finisher.

As entirely unrealistic as this moment was, it was awe-inspiring to watch three men crash through one table, sending pieces of it flying around ringside. 

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Written by Cultaholic