
10 Largest Factions In Pro Wrestling History

Factions with the most members in pro wrestling history

9. The New Blood - 32 Members

New blood wcw

In the year 2000, when WCW were launching literally everything at the wall in a desperate attempt to stay afloat, an idea was had to split the roster into two groups. One batch, The Millionaire’s Club, would be represented by all the established, older, main event names in the company, whilst the second lot, The New Blood, would consist of the younger, hungrier wrestlers who felt they had been held down for too long.

Whilst The Millionaire’s Club consisted of the likes of Hulk Hogan, Sting, and Ric Flair, The New Blood featured members like Booker T, Lance Storm, Chris Kanyon… Goldberg? Bret Hart? Considering some of these names as “New Blood” didn’t make much sense. 

In total, 32 wrestlers made up the group, with Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo serving as their leaders and their valets ranging from Torrie Wilson to Stacy Kiebler to Madusa. 

This mammoth stable lasted less than three months.

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Written by Cultaholic