
10 Largest Factions In Pro Wrestling History

Factions with the most members in pro wrestling history

6. The Alliance - 36 Members

Paul heyman the alliance

The only WWE-affiliated stable on this list, the grand total of wrestlers from WCW and ECW (and later WWE itself) that stood against Vince McMahon comes to 36, and that’s not including non-grapplers like Paul Heyman and Nick Patrick.

Vince McMahon bought WCW and ECW, all the wrestlers with cheap contracts came together to wage war on WWE, and then WWE dropped the ball with the Invasion angle, forgetting all about it after Survivor Series 2001. 

Newcomers who got prominently featured in the Alliance included Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page, and Rob Van Dam, until WWE lost faith in the idea and bunged in a load of their own wrestlers, including Kurt Angle and ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin. 

Interestingly, there was also a branch of The Alliance active in one of WWE’s feeder systems, the Heartland Wrestling Alliance. This offshoot, which was just called “Team WCW” included younger names like Elix Skipper, Mark Jindrak, and Shannon Moore. We didn’t think they counted as members of the actual faction, but it’s nice to know that this terrible storyline was happening across two different promotions instead of one.

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Written by Cultaholic