
10 Moments That Killed WCW

10 moments that KILLED WCW

7. Hulk Hogan Lies Down For Sting

Hogan lies down for sting halloween havoc 1999

In October of 1999, WWE head writer Vince Russo handed in his notice and signed a deal with WCW. 

Could he steady the sinking ship and help usher the promotion into a new era of popularity? Obviously not. 

WCW fans got a taste of what Russo (and his co-writer Ed Ferrara) were capable of during his very first pay-per-view with the pencil. 

The scheduled main event of Halloween Havoc ’99 was set to be Sting defending the WCW Title against Hulk Hogan. After failing to come out to his music twice, Hogan eventually sauntered out in street clothes and simply laid down on the mat for Sting to pin him before sulking off. 

This eye-rolling worked shoot was supposed to get the internet in a tizzy (as people perhaps assumed this was a real instance of Hulk exercising his ‘creative control’ clause and refusing to lose) while planting the seed for a storyline when Hulk returned from a layoff.

That storyline never happened and the aftermath – with Goldberg beating Sting in an impromptu match, only to be stripped of the title the day after – only muddied the waters further.

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Written by Cultaholic