
10 Moments WWE Wish They Could Take Back

WWE history is littered with questionable moments

8. The WrestleMania XX Ending

Chris benoit eddie guerrero wrestlemania 20 celebration

The ending of WrestleMania 20 was storybook stuff for two performers who had worked harder than most and sacrificed plenty in order to achieve their dreams against considerable odds. 

In the final scene of the biggest show of the year, World Heavyweight Champion Chris Benoit and WWE Champion Eddie Guerrero, best friends whose careers had paralleled, held their titles aloft in front of a sold-out Madison Square Garden, as confetti fell and their peers, family members and fans cheered them on. 

Just three-and-a-half years later, that once joyous scene would look very different indeed. Guerrero was dead and Benoit had ended his own life after murdering his wife and young son. 

While Latino Heat has continued to be lionised to this very day, the Rabid Wolverine will be persona non grata forever, as far as the company are concerned. 

What seemed like the right thing to do in the moment has now cast a cloud over a major show in WWE’s history. These days, they basically pretend that WWE lifers The Undertaker and Kane headlined the event. 

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Written by Cultaholic