
10 Moments WWE Wish They Could Take Back

WWE history is littered with questionable moments

9. Vince McMahon Interviews Melanie Pillman

Melanie pillman raw interview

Everyone reacts to tragedy and grieves differently. 

And so behaviour that might seem ‘unusual’ to some, is really just one person’s way of coping with a sad loss. 

However, that doesn’t excuse WWE and Vince McMahon’s decision to interview Melanie Pillman live on Raw, just 24 hours after her husband’s death at the age of just 35. 

Not only was the decision to question a widow on live television a day after her husband passed away a bad one, but the line of questioning was suspect, to say the least. 

It was Vince doing the talking, as he asked Melanie what she knew of the Loose Cannon’s death, whether she had anything to say about young athletes about the use of narcotics and, incredibly, what she was going to do to support herself and her kids now that their provider was no longer there. 

Whether this was some sort of ratings ploy or a way to get Melanie to partially exonerate the company for Pillman’s passing – he was discovered just hours before he was scheduled to perform on pay-per-view – or both, is up for debate. 

What we’re sure about is that WWE probably wishes it hadn’t done it and, if given the chance, wouldn’t do it again. 

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Written by Cultaholic