
10 Moments WWE Wish They Could Take Back

WWE history is littered with questionable moments

6. Vince McMahon Says The 'N' Word

John cena vince mcmahon that survivor series

Vince McMahon has said some outlandish stuff in the past on WWE TV as his ‘Mr. McMahon’ gimmick.

Whether talking about his grapefruit-sized testicles or wishing harm on his own children, he can usually get away with it, because the Genetic Jackhammer character was so over-the-top and Vince played it like he was auditioning for a Tennessee Williams play. 

During a backstage segment at the 2005 Survivor Series, however, McMahon uttered a single, reprehensible word. The N-word. 

He said it to John Cena, referring to the WWE Champion as ‘my N-word’. 

He didn’t actually say ‘N-word’, of course. He said the real thing, much to the shock of Booker T and wife Sharmell, who witnessed the bizarre interaction. 

This was meant to be a funny little shock value skit but, really, it was the owner of a publicly traded company uttering a racial slur on pay-per-view. 

No surprise to see it’s been Peacock’d off the WWE Network. 

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Written by Cultaholic