
10 Moments WWE Wish They Could Take Back

WWE history is littered with questionable moments

5. Jared From Subway

Jared from subway

Not so much a singular moment here, but rather a collection of them brought about by WWE’s association with Jared from Subway, the bloke that reportedly lost a load of weight thanks to the power of the foot long and became a spokesperson for the sandwich masters and then a full-on celebrity. 

He was also a very, very bad man who is currently serving time in a federal prison because of his heinous crimes. 

His association with WWE dated back to 2006, when he appeared in a Subway commercial with John Cena. He then appeared intermittently over the years, whether as a guest ring announcer or getting into it with the likes of CM Punk, Santino Marella, The Miz and Ryback, usually in segments centred around eating fresh.  

During one of his appearances, Michael Cole mentioned that Jared was hanging out with Jerry Lawler backstage earlier in the day.

You won’t find footage of Jared on the WWE Network these days, as WWE have scrubbed him and fellow monster, the former wrestler Buck Zumhofe, from the platform. 

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Written by Cultaholic