
10 Moments WWE Wish They Could Take Back

WWE history is littered with questionable moments

4. Vince McMahon Humiliating Jim Ros

Jim ross kiss my ass club

One of Vince McMahon’s favourite pastimes was the ritual public humiliation of Jim Ross. 

WWE’s lead commentator and former Executive Vice President of Talent Relations was a constant target of McMahon’s mockery, which often played out on live television and, usually, in Good Ol’ JR’s home state of Oklahoma. 

Whether it was having him beaten to a pulp by Steve Austin or Triple H, forcing him to join the Kiss My Ass Club, getting fired for real on live TV, or something like the detestable Dr. Heiney skit, Ross could be put in some unenviable positions under the thin premise of ‘getting heat’. 

Perhaps the worst, however, was Vince’s exaggerated and unprovoked on-air impression of the beloved announcer. It was cruel, it was pointless and it had no payoff or reason for even existing. 

What it basically boiled down to was a billionaire boss taking a shot at a long-serving employee because he personally thought it was funny. 

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Written by Cultaholic