
10 Most Controversial WWE Attitude Era Storylines

Oh boy...

1. Terri’s Fake Miscarriage

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Alright, where do you even start with this Russo-scripted abomination? 

So,  Terri Runnels began having an affair with Val Venis and then claimed she was pregnant. Val denied responsibility as he’d had a vasectomy years earlier. 

Terri then tried to credit her husband Dustin ‘Goldust’ Runnels, though he also denied responsibility, because they had been separated and, thus, not intimate within the timeframe for conception. 

Pfft. Technicalities…

Anyway, this segued into Terri striking up a friendship with Jacqueline, the two becoming known as the Pretty Mean Sisters, or PMS. You know. Like Premenstrual syndrome. 

Good one, Vinny Ru. Thanks again for your contributions to the business. 

PMS – eugh – began lashing out at the menfolk who had wronged them, which included abducting and kinkily abusing poor Mark Henry, causing Sexual Chocolate to miss a schedule tag match and raising the ire of his partner D-Lo Brown. 

Later on, D-Lo stepped towards Terri while she hovered on the apron during a match, causing her to fall and supposedly lose her baby. 

It. Was. Awful. 

The ‘Horny Little She-Devil’ tried to use the tragedy to manipulate D-Lo but, wouldn’t you know it, Terri turned out to be a woman during the Attitude Era, and was lying all along!

A fake miscarriage is not something that I or millions of other people want to see on a show that should really be more about the fake fighting. 

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.