
10 Most Important Episodes In WWE SmackDown History

There have been some big episodes in WWE SmackDown's history

2. June 27, 2002

John cena wwe debut ruthless aggression

The June 24, 2002 episode of Raw saw Vince McMahon usher in a new era of WWE, one he wanted to see full of “Ruthless Aggression”. 

Two days later, a young man in neon pants answered that call, and changed the wrestling landscape forever. 

SmackDown on June 27, 2002, opened with Kurt Angle issuing an open challenge to anyone who wanted to test their mettle. Out came John Felix Anthony Cena, looking like a Create-A-Wrestler before you make any changes, to do just that. After being asked who in the green hell he was, Cena threw Vince’s words and a slap in Angle’s face and the fight was on.

Although Cena lost his debut bout against the Wrestling Machine, he had made quite the opening statement. It would take a few years and a couple of false starts for Cena to fully establish himself as a top star, but all of his success - both inside of wrestling and outside - can be traced back to this fateful moment. 

It also gave WWE a clip they could play again and again on TV… again… and again… and again.

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Written by Cultaholic