
10 Most Unlikeable WWE Babyfaces Ever

10 worst WWE babyfaces ever!

9. Scott Steiner

Scott steiner bad blood 2003

When Scott Steiner finally signed with WWE towards the end of 2002, the company were desperate for fresh stars and top-level babyfaces in particular. 

The ranks had been depleted with the exits of The Rock, Steve Austin and others, and the Big Bad Booty Daddy’s arrival on Raw was initially greeted with deafening cheers. 

It soon became apparent just why Steiner had been such an effective main event heel towards the tail end of WCW, though, as he came across as very unlikeable in promos, segments and matches. 

It wasn’t too noticeable to start with, since he was programmed opposite the loathed Triple H, but it was hard to root for Big Poppa Pump as he was ranting and raving and trying to proposition Stephanie McMahon in an uncomfortably aggressive manner. 

Him stinking out the joint with The Game in two consecutive pay-per-views obviously didn’t help his cause, but the truth is Steiner was an overly aggressive alpha male and just came off as way too wound up most of the time. That he ended up in a heel tag team alongside the punchably-smug Test speaks volumes.

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Written by Cultaholic