
10 Most Unlikeable WWE Babyfaces Ever

10 worst WWE babyfaces ever!

8. Shawn Michaels

Shawn michaels mick foley wwe in your house mind games 1996

Shawn Michaels is obviously one of the best professional wrestlers of all time. The trouble was, he absolutely knew it. Which is all well and good when you’re a cocky heel, but it doesn’t really translate as well when you’re trying to be a sympathetic babyface. 

Some aspects of The Heartbreak Kid’s mid-90s good guy act were expertly done, as he was undersized by main event standards of the time and did the David versus Goliath thing as well as anyone, his selling and ability to fight from underneath drawing fans in. 

His tetchy personality and natural arrogance meant that crowds never fully bought it, though. It was also hard for some sections of the audience in the 1990s to cheer on a bloke who gyrated about in bejewelled chaps and a biker hat. 

You couldn’t help but applaud his work and the nightly effort he gave to steal the show and give punters their money’s worth, but HBK’s character left a lot to be desired and his backstage antics gave those ‘in the know’ even more ammunition against him.

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Written by Cultaholic