
10 Shocking Wrestlers That Beat Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan actually lost to some people, brother

1. The Wall

Hulk hogan the wall

The Wall is one of those forgotten faces of the Monday Night Wars, someone who came from out of nowhere, enjoyed a decent amount of mid-level success and then pretty much vanished once WCW folded. 

His most memorable WCW moment was the hilarious scene where Hogan managed to spot him on top of a building that was situated about three miles away from the ring. That ridiculous exchange led to a match later in the evening.

Once again, it was the type of wandering brawl that Hogan was specialising in at this point,  with The Wall getting his licks in, before setting up a table with the intention of chokeslamming the red and yellow menace through it. 

That ended up backfiring when Vampiro ran in and attacked The Wall, giving the big man a win via disqualification, before Vamp and Hulk then teamed up to put him through a table instead. 

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Written by Cultaholic