
10 Worst WWE Tag Team Break-Ups

Worst WWE tag team break-ups ever

3. The Legion of Doom

Road warriors summerslam 1992

Sometimes, weaving a wrestler’s personal life into the gimmick can be a highly effective way to add realism to a story. However, when their personal life includes a very real addiction to drugs and alcohol, maybe it’s best left alone.

Because WWE used to have all the tact of an elephant being dropped from a plane, they decided to incorporate Road Warrior Hawk’s substance abuse issues into the breakup of beloved tag team the Legion of Doom. 

In storyline, Road Warrior Animal was sick of Hawk’s unreliability, and so replaced him with Darren Drozdov, whose nickname was Puke. 

Things were already bad when the promotion decided to really push the boundaries of good taste by having Hawk climb up the TitanTron on Raw and claim he was going to jump. Droz went up to save him, but ended up pushing the Road Warrior off instead.

The whole thing got over like cholera, so the angle was dropped and both men left the company shortly afterwards. 

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Written by Cultaholic