
10 Wrestlers Who Had Heat With Triple H

Triple H had a fever he was bursting with so much HEAT

9. Edge

Triple h edge

Similarly to RVD, Edge was another hot young up-and-comer that potentially threatened Triple H’s headline position during the so-called Ruthless Aggression era. 

The Rated-R Superstar had finally established himself as a main-eventer thanks to his controversial character, partnership with Lita and feuds with the likes of John Cena and Mick Foley. 

Funnily enough, it was reported that The Cerebral Assassin actually suggested that Edge be fired because of the adulterous affair – which is pretty rich considering how his own relationship with Stephanie McMahon started. 

There were intermittent reports that Triple H would talk Edge’s credentials down in creative meetings, but Vince was a fan and so the push persisted, even if the Canadian did feel the need to flee to SmackDown to ensure that his upward trajectory would continue unimpeded. 

Triple H continued to take shots at The Ultimate Opportunist even after he had retired, referring to him, Van Dam and Chris Jericho as good, popular wrestlers who were never ‘the guy’ during The Authority’s feud with Daniel Bryan. 

Edge responded by questioning how many people ever were ‘the guy’ outside of Sammartino, Hogan, Austin, Rock and Cena, while openly wondering why Triple H would feel threatened by guys with long hair who were ‘better looking’ and ‘more athletic’ than himself. 

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Written by Cultaholic