
10 Wrestling Matches That Turned Into Real Shoots

Sometimes the fists start flying for real...

5. Hardcore Holly & Charlie Haas Vs. Rene Dupree & Kenzo Suzuki - WWE House Show (November 21, 2004)

Hardcore holly 2004

Bob 'Hardcore' Holly had a reputation within the industry for sometimes taking liberties with people in the ring (especially rookies) and was considered by many to be a bit of a bully. 

He famously put the boots to eventual Tough Enough season two winner Matt Cappotelli and there are numerous stories of him working extra 'snug' with young talent, such as Randy Orton (who was booked against Holly on numerous house shows when he was promoted to the main roster in 2002). 

While such incidents were in a 'working' context, his attack on Rene Dupree during a match on a November 21, 2004 house show in Syracuse, New York was pre-meditated and very real. 

On the show, Holly and Charlie Haas were challenging Dupree and Kenzo Suzuki for the WWE Tag Team Titles in a hardcore match. 

According to reports (and Holly's own autobiography), Holly started hitting Rene with stiff shots, followed by a vicious chairshot to the head, after which Dupree fled the scene - only to be hunted down by Holly backstage, where the beating continued before it was broken up. 

Now, for context, Holly claims that he had warned Dupree beforehand about what was coming. 

As for the reason for the whopping, Dupree had previously gotten a speeding ticket while driving a rental car registered in Holly's name, failed to either pay it or inform Holly about it, leading to some legal headaches for Bombastic Bob. 

Holly was reprimanded and fined after for the incident (though showed no remorse for his actions), while Dupree claims that he paid Holly back the money that he owed him stemming from the rental car issues and admitted he was in the wrong. 

The two later worked together without incident. 

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.