
10 WWE Stars Who Flopped In WCW

It has been 22 years since Bret Hart's career was effectively ended...

4. Jim Neidhart

Jim neidhart wcw 1998

Like the previously discussed Marty Jannetty, Jim Neidhart was in and out of WWE off and in during the nineties. 

When The Anvil wasn't there, he tended to bounce around from place to place and ended up having a couple of forgettable stints in WCW. 

The first came in 1993, his tremendous Hart Foundation team with Bret now split up and something of a distant memory as the Hitman's singles career went from strength to strength. He only worked thirteen matches for Turner that year, between late April and early October. 

A few of those were short televised bouts on shows like Worldwide and Saturday Night, and he also worked the dark match at the Clash of the Champions XXIII special. 

When Neidhart returned in 1998, following Bret after the Montreal Screwjob, WCW was a very different beast indeed. 

He worked a lot more matches (48) for them that time around, but was never strongly pushed or anything. It was a big money deal for Jim, but in the eyes of executives he didn't do enough to justify the cost of it and was released in October. 

His case wasn't helped much by an injury suffered by his partner at the time...

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.