
10 WWE Stars Who Were Fired Multiple Times

WWE just couldn't stop firing these former stars

9. Jim Neidhart

Jim neidhart arms in the air like he just don t care

There was a recurring theme during Jim Neidhart’s WWE career. 

The Anvil – an absolute tank of a man with a short temper and habit for dabbling in elicit substances – would invariably be shown the door for one indiscretion or another, until Stu Hart gave Vince McMahon a call and asked him to give ‘The Rhino’ his job back. 

The first time Neidhart got fired was on February 16, 1992. This was the day after he’d refused to take a mandatory drug test and then shot putted a television monitor backstage, missing intended target road agent Chief Jay Strongbow but hitting a TV executive (and breaking his ankle).

He was brought back and then fired again in January of 1995, right when he and Owen Hart were about to win the WWE Tag Team Titles, after repeated no-shows.

Big Jim’s third and final WWE run – which saw him involved in the tremendous Hart Foundation versus USA angle – ended on December 2, 1997. 

Amazingly, Neidhart had been working without a contract since his return (which was largely done as a favour to Bret Hart) and when he refused to immediately sign a deal presented to him in the wake of the Montreal Screwjob, it was rescinded and he left for WCW.

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Written by Cultaholic