
AEW Collision Premiere Results

AEW Collision results below

After much anticipation, the debut episode of AEW Collision aired from the United Center in Chicago, Illinois and featured the return of CM Punk, a new champion being crowned, and a banger between Andrade El Idolo and Buddy Matthews. 

Check out the AEW Collision results below: 

CM Punk Returns

Following an introduction from the new AEW Collision announce team of Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness, All Elite Wrestling wasted no time in giving the fans inside the United Center in Chicago, Illinois what they wanted as CM Punk made his way to the ring to a thunderous ovation.

Punk immediately told the fans in attendance that he was done being nice before the Second City Saint said the magnitude of him made some people uncomfortable. Punk then said fans could boo or cheer him but he is the truth.  

This led to "f**k The Elite" chants before he mentioned that Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav calls him "one bill Phil" because he is the one true genuine article in a business filled with "counterfeit bucks."

Punk then addressed people who feel they are owed an apology and Punk said he was sorry "because the only people softer than you are the wrestlers you like." The 44-year-old then turned his attention to a red bag he was carrying which contained the AEW World Championship that he never lost, saying "tell me when I'm telling lies." Punk said he would continue to hold onto his boots and his red bag until there was someone in the company that can beat him.

With that, Punk ended his return promo and headed backstage to prepare for his main event match.    

Luchasaurus def. Wardlow (c) - TNT Championship

Luchasaurus gained control in the early going after Christian Cage grabbed Wardlow's foot, distracting the TNT Champion in the process. Luchasaurus remained on top through the picture-in-picture break before Wardlow fired back with an Electric Chair, Clotheslines, and a Spinebuster. 

Wardlow was about to go for a Swanton Bomb but another distraction from Christian allowed Luchasaurus to connect with a Chokeslam for a near fall. Luchasaurus went for a second Chokeslam but Wardlow broke free by biting the dinosaur's fingers. 

Wardlow followed up with a Clothesline before he decked Luchasaurus with a Powerbomb Symphony as Cage threatened to hit him with a steel chair on the outside. Wardlow spent too long goading Cage, though, which allowed Luchasaurus to connect with a Chokeslam. That looked to be it but Wardlow managed to kick out. 

After an awkward moment, Wardlow managed to connect with a Powerslam and he followed up with a Swanton Bomb before he pulled the straps down. Cage tried another distraction but Wardlow dodged the attack on this occasion. As Wardlow laid in punches, Luchasaurus escaped the corner and distracted the referee which allowed Cage to deck Wardlow with a camera.

Three seconds later and Luchasaurus is your new TNT Champion. 

Andrade El Idolo def. Buddy Matthews

After another commercial break, AEW got to the second match of the night as Andrade El Idolo made his return to take on Buddy Matthews. El Idolo was cocky in the early going, doing a Cartwheel into a Moonsault from the apron to take out Matthews. Buddy initially fought back, throwing Andrade over the barricade but Andrade simply got back up and connected with a Hurricanrana. 

Matthews managed to fight back again, connecting with a Meteora as Collision went to another break. Buddy Matthews looked to have hurt his knee, while Andrade appeared to have a shoulder issue and both men were checked by AEW's medical team during the break. After they were checked out, both men simply started brawling again in the middle of the ring. 

When the broadcast returned, Matthews worked over Andrade, targeting the injured shoulder. Andrade managed to fight back, connecting with a Moonsault for a near fall. Matthews fired back but he ate a Spinning Elbow from Andrade. El Idolo then set up for the Double Knees in the corner but he was decked with a Jumping Knee from Matthews for the nearest of near falls.

Both men looked to have something to prove and Matthews applied a Texas Cloverleaf but Andrade escaped and applied the Figure Four Leglock, paying homage to his father-in-law Ric Flair. Andrade then transitioned into a Figure Eight (his wife Charlotte Flair's finisher), giving Matthews no choice but to tap out. 

After the match, Andrade offered to shake Matthews' hand and it looked like Buddy was going to until the lights in the arena went out. When they came back on, Malakai Black and Brody King were behind El Idolo and they laid out Andrade. 

A video package hyping Scorpio Sky's return aired following the match before another ad break. 

Miro def. Tony Nese

When the broadcast returned, Tony Nese insulted Chicago pizza and was about to lead the fans in some stretches before he was interrupted by Miro for The Redeemer's return match. Nese actually connected with some offence in the match but Miro soon decked him with a Machka Kick and followed up with the Game Over for the victory 

Skye Blue & Willow Nightingale def. Ruby Soho & Toni Storm

The Outcasts attacked Nightingale and Skye Blue from behind before the bell rang, only for Skye Blue's mother to slap Storm and Soho as the babyfaces fired back. The Outcasts soon took control, however, working over Willow. Nightingale eventually made the hot tag to Skye Blue and the Chicago native ran wild, decking Toni Storm with a Hurricanrana and a Superkick.

The heels eventually regained the upper hand and Storm looked to spray Blue, only for Nightingale to grab the spray paint from behind. Storm unintentionally sprayed Soho in the eyes and Skye Blue connected with a Canadian Destroyer moments later as the hometown hero scored a win in Chicago. 

Following the match, Ricky Starks announced he would be a competitor in the Owen Hart Cup. Powerhouse Hobbs announced he would be in the tournament earlier in the night. It was also revealed that Jeff Jarrett will face Mark Briscoe next week in a Concession Stand Brawl. 

The Acclaimed cut a promo about how much they love Chicago next on the show before they and Daddy Ass scissored with Tony Schiavone. 

CMFTR def. Samoa Joe, Jay White, & Juice Robinson 

Jim Ross, who fell earlier in the day, joined the announce team for the main event. 

After the other four men wrestled, it was eventually time for Samoa Joe and CM Punk to stand in the ring together for the first time in 18 years. After some trash talk, Joe battered Punk with Chops before Punk kept a Headlock applied. 

Punk tagged out soon after, bringing Dax Harwood into the action and the Moustachioed member of FTR was soon flattened by Samoa Joe before the heels proceeded to work over Harwood for the next several minutes. Harwood eventually managed to make the hot tag to Cash Wheeler but the heels were back on top soon after as they beat down the non-bald member of FTR. 

After another long section of heel dominance, CM Punk entered the ring again and went for the Go To Sleep, only to receive a rake across the eyes from Jay White. Switchblade then spent too long gloating and Punk set up for a Flying Elbow but he was flattened by Juice Robinson. As Dax Harwood complained, Jay White connected with a Uranage and looked to follow up with the Blade Runner but Punk avoided it. 

Next, CMFTR hit some tandem offence with a Superplex from Harwood to White before Wheeler hit a Splash and Punk connected with his Flying Elbow. White looked finished but Juice Robinson broke up the pin.

White made the tag to Joe and the two classic ROH rivals traded blows before Bullet Club Gold laid out Punk. FTR took White and Robinson to the floor, leaving Punk and Joe to fight on alone. One jumping knee in the corner later and Punk went for the Go To Sleep but Joe reversed into a Coquina Clutch. FTR tried desperately to get in the ring and Dax Harwood just about managed to save Punk before he passed out. 

Joe then tagged in Robinson and Rock Hard ate a Shatter Machine from FTR before the Go To Sleep from Punk as the two-time AEW World Champion picked up the win in his return match. 

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Twitter: @theaidangibbons