AEW Revolution 2023 Results

All the results from AEW Revolution 2023

Jack Atkins side view with black and white filter

Mar 6, 2023

AEW Revolution 2023 poster.jpg

All Elite Wrestling presented their first PPV event of 2023 with Revolution, with AEW taking to San Francisco’s Chase Center for the fourth Revolution event in AEW history.

The first AEW PPV since Full Gear in November 2022, Revolution was headlined by a gruelling 60-Minute Iron Man Match between AEW World Champion MJF and Bryan Danielson, with the AEW Women’s World Title, AEW World Trios Titles, AEW World Tag Team Championships, and the TNT Title also on the line on the show.

Full results below:

Mark Briscoe & The Lucha Brothers def. Ari Daivari & Varsity Athletes - Zero Hour Pre-Show

Posturing and one-up-manship from the bell quickly led into an all-out brawl, with all six men fighting in the ring and around ringside. Quick two for Penta from a wheelbarrow powerbomb on Nese before ‘Smart’ Mark Sterling got involved, but Sterling was saved a beating thanks to Daivari’s quick thinking.

The heels worked over Penta including a nice double delayed vertical suplex by Nese and Daivari, and the fans came alive for the hot tag to Rey Fenix. Fenix went to run wild but was stopped by Woods before he could build momentum, and the heels took control once more. Loud ‘DEM BOYS’ chants rang out as the crowd willed Fenix to bring on Mark Briscoe and after getting the tag Briscoe ran wild with his patented Redneck Kung Fu, then did his best Sabu impersonation as he launched off a chair into a tope onto the outside.

Tower of Doom from the Lucha Bros wiped everyone out, save for Nese who came close to a win after a crisp 450 splash. Mark went for a Jay Driller but Sterling distracted the ref as the Athletes took Briscoe out with a foreign object, but it was not enough, and The Lucha Brothers ran wild with kicks and a double Gory Special/elevated Pedigree combo on the Athletes as Briscoe hit the Froggy Bow for the win.

Post-match Penta hit a Fear Factor on Mark Sterling for fun.

Ricky Starks def. Chris Jericho

Starks and Jericho came flying out of the traps and straight into a fight, as both men exchanged strikes all over the ring with Starks getting the first knockdown before nailing Jericho outside the ring with a tope. Jericho soon fired back targeting Starks’ taped ribs, and despite missing a Lionsault, Jericho asserted control on the bout. Loud duelling chants rang out as Jericho kept up the momentum, and despite some spirited fighting back, Starks just couldn’t shake ‘The Ocho’ as Jericho stayed laser-focused on Starks’ injured ribs.

A rope-assisted tornado DDT got a near fall for Starks, but a diving attack was met with a kick to the ribs from Jericho which Jericho followed with a Spicolli Driver. Codebreaker attempt was scouted as Starks nailed a powerbomb, but Jericho finally hit it when countering a spear attempt by ‘Absolute’. Ricky fought back once again, coming close with a big spear, but a missed moonsault attempt allowed Jericho to lock in a Walls of Jericho. However, Starks fought out and countered into a single-leg crab, and as Sammy Guevara ran out to interfere he was cut down by Action Andretti, allowing Jericho to jab Starks’ ribs with Floyd the bat as the ref was distracted. Jericho fought he had it in the bag, but Starks blocked a Judas Effect and hit the Rochambeau for the win.

"Jungle Boy" Jack Perry def. Christian Cage - Final Burial Match

The first-ever Final burial match came next - a mix between a casket match and a buried alive match. To win you have to lock your opponent in the casket on the entrance ramp.

Cage was out first, followed by Perry who adhered to street fight tradition by wearing some light blue jeans tucked into boots. Classic.

This was a full-on brawl, as the animosity between these two men has only escalated over the past year, after Perry showed some early fire Cage had enough and hightailed it through the crowd. Perry met Cage in the crowd as the two brawled their way back to ringside, with Cage again trying to run away from Jungle Boy. Back in the ring, Cage fought out-of-corner punches and blew a kiss to Perry’s family on the front row, and toyed with Perry as the crowd chanted ‘F*** YOU CHRISTIAN’ at the former NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion.

Jungle Boy fired back with a tope and slammed Cage into the steel steps, but missed a stomp onto Cage’s arm as the veteran slammed JB into the steps. A bloodied Christian removed Perry’s belt and started whipping him with it in front of his mother and sister, then whipped Perry all the way up the ramp towards the burial plot. Cage opened the casket to remove two steel chairs, but was attacked by Perry before he had a chance to use them. Piledriver attempt by Perry was reversed but a Killswitch attempt onto a chair was thwarted as Perry launched Christian off the stage then nailed him with a big flip attack. Perry looked to end things with a chair, but once again Cage was one step ahead with a well-placed groin kick, before repeatedly smashing Perry into the closed casket lid, and placing Perry into the casket. Jungle Boy fired back to stop Cage closing the casket, but yet again Cage used veteran instinct to throw dirt in his eyes and nail a Killswitch to stop Perry’s comeback. 

Conchairto attempt missed as Perry rolled away, then a shovel came into play as Perry swung at Christian then choked Cage with the spade. Spade shot by Christian missed, allowing Perry to lock in a shovel-assisted Snaretrap, before finally crushing Cage with a Conchairto to a huge reaction. Cage was out for the count, allowing Perry to throw Christian into the casket for the win, as the lid crashed down sending the casket plummeting down below.

The House of Black def. The Elite (c) - AEW World Trios Championships

The first title match of the night was for the Trios Championships, as a focused House of Black finally went up against The Elite, with Don Callis joining commentary for this one.

Kenny Omega and Buddy Matthews started off, employing some rapid hold/counter-hold wrestling before Buddy tagged in Malakai Black to loud ‘THIS IS AWESOME’ chants as Omega and Black finally faced off - their first match in over 15 years, and only the second time facing each other ever. Both men went for quick finishers to no avail, and Omega soon tagged in Matt Jackson as Black brought in Brody King, as both teams were still looking for an opening. Matt Jackson changed his mind and tagged in Nick Jackson, but King steamrolled through the entire Elite, before a six-man face-off and hockey fight in the middle of the ring.

The Young Bucks took care of Black and Mathews as Omega and King clashed, before Kenny hit the Terminator tope onto the entire House of Black. Nick Jackson hit a perfect 450 on King but only got a one count, before King went on a rampage all over the ringside area, crushing Omega against the guardrail with a running splash. The action was predictably fast-paced with lots of quick tags as The House took control, but Omega soon fired back and finally took King down. The Elite had an answer for everything The House threw at them, except for when King absolutely folded Omega with a lariat like he was a pile of laundry. 

All six men took their times on the offence until it was just Black and Omega left in the ring. King locked in the hangman’s choke on Nick Jackson, but was soon peppered with strikes from Matt and Kenny, before Kenny returned to Malakai and hit him with a series of snapdragon suplexes. Julia Hart tried to interfere but ended up eating a V Trigger from Kenny, allowing Malakai to hit the Black Mass for two thanks to a quick break from Nick Jackson. 

The House continued to divide and conquer, but The Bucks fired back to throw a superkick party for The House. BTE Trigger on Malakai only got a two thanks to Buddy, and Buddy was on hand again to interrupt a Meltzer driver with a huge knee to a flipping Nick Jackson, as The House hit Dante’s Inferno on Matt Jackson for the win and the titles.

Jamie Hayter (c) def. Ruby Soho & Saraya - Three-Way Match for the AEW Women’s World Championship

The crowd firmly threw their support behind Jamie Hayter as the bell rang, and the champ looked to gain early control, but was shut down on the outside by Saraya. Ruby hit a massive missile dropkick onto Saraya on the floor before the fight spilled into the crowd, with Saraya coming out on top as the fight made its way back into the ring. 

Toni Storm was on hand to see to Saraya as the champ planted her on the floor, with Ruby taking advantage of the situation to plant Hayter with a crossbody inside the ring. Hayter soon fought back, hitting a suplex on both challengers and a double clothesline for a pair of two counts. Hayter and Ruby formed a temporary alliance to beat down Saraya, before Soho hit a spiking hurricanrana on Hayter for two. Shades of Bull Nakano as Saraya locked in the Serenity Lock on Ruby, then nailed Hayter with a DDT as Britt Baker distracted the ref so he couldn’t count the pin attempt. Ruby and Hayter exchanged pin attempts as Saraya was down, with Hayter getting the win out of nowhere with a roll-up attempt.

An enraged Toni Storm and Saraya beat down the champ as an annoyed Ruby could only watch on. Saraya and Hayter beat down Baker too, then Ruby showed her true colours by ejecting Saraya and Storm… only to hit a No Future kick on Hayter then a Destination Unknown on Baker as Storm and Saraya trashed the ringside area. Ruby received the spray can from Saraya and sprayed the L on Baker and Hayter before slyly grinning and seemingly joining up with Storm and Saraya as the three made their way to the back.

Hangman Page def. Jon Moxley - Texas Death Match

Hangman didn’t hang around, meeting Mox in the crowd to kick off a violent affair, beating Mox into a ring ominously surrounded by barbed wire boards. The two looked to beat each other senseless from the off, with Mox taking a length of barbed wire to the forehead almost instantly, busting him open. Moxley loves a crimson mask doesn’t he? Mox then wrapped the wire around his fist to clock Hangman, then channelled Abdullah the Butcher as he produced a fork. The two then wrestled for the fork as Mox got Hangman in a triangle and stabbed the ever-loving s*** out of Hangman’s forehead as blood spurted all over Moxley.

On the front foot, Mox wedged a barbed wire-covered chair in the corner then threw a charging Hangman headfirst into it. The chair came into play again as Mox locked in a single-leg crab with Hangman laying facedown on the weapon,  then swung it into Page’s back as the former three-time AEW World Champ asserted his dominance. Mox wailed on Hangman in the corner, but Page fought back with a powerbomb onto two upright chairs draped in barbed wire. With Mox on the floor, Hangman wrapped the barbed wire around himself a la Terry Funk, and hit a big moonsault to the outside, hurting himself in the process.

Hangman took too long to follow up, allowing Mox to hit a Diamond Cutter in the ring, then produced a chain and some bricks as he looked to finish Hangman off permanently. Mox placed Page’s hand between the bricks and stamped them into oblivion, before hitting a pitch-perfect piledriver onto the chain. Mox then hogtied Page with the chain and went for the choke, but Page bit his way out of the hold, then enjoyed a spell in charge as he hit a fallaway slam onto the barbed wire chair, and followed up with a nasty Deadeye onto the wire. Mox bailed to the floor, but ate a bodypress as Page sent him flying into a barbed wire board. Mox was reeling, but beat the ref’s standing 10-count, and looked to beat Hangman some more on the top rope, assaulting the former champ with the barbed wire before eating it himself. Mox regained his senses to launch Hangman off the top onto another barbed wire board propped up on the floor, with both men bloody messes.

Hangman barely beat the ref’s count to make it back into the ring, and ate a King Kong Lariat for his troubles as the ref started counting once more. A mocking kick from Mox fired Page up who hit Mox with a lariat of his own, but a Buckshot attempt was countered into a Death Rider, with Mox following up with a Seth Rollins stomp onto the bricks as he looked pleased with himself. The crowd sang Rollins’ music as Hangman once again beat the count, but Mox leapt onto Page with a choke and took Page down once again as he screamed at him to stay down. Hangman did not stay down, and took Mox’s head off with a lariat, but took a kick to the groin when trying to choke Mox with the chain. A fired-up Hangman smashed Moxley with a brick then nearly decapitated Mox with a buckshot before hanging Moxley over the rope with the chain, forcing Mox to tap out.

Wardlow def. Samoa Joe (c) - TNT Championship

Powerhouse Hobbs watched on with great intent as Joe and Wardlow locked up, with War Dog rushing The King of Television from the bell. Joe didn’t stay on the back foot for long, hitting a crisp elbow suicida to knock Wardlow down on the floor. Wardlow quickly fired back with a huge Whisper in the Wind, and peppered Joe with strikes. Joe fought back and sent Wardlow reeling with jabs then hit a trademark ST-Joe from the corner before basking in the adulation of the crowd. Joe cut the big man down with a knee bar, but Wardlow fired back and planted Joe with a spinebuster then hit an F-10 and a Senton Atomico on the ROH legend, but could only get a two. 

Joe was quick to his feet and took Wardlow down with a Coquina Clutch, grapevining the big man as he started to fade. Wardlow fought back, but Joe was firmly in control as Hobbs glared on from his box. Muscle Buster attempt was thwarted as Wardlow slipped down and hit a powerbomb, but a rolled through attempt at a second was met with a clubbing lariat. Joe went for a powerbomb of his own, but Wardlow avoided it, hit a headbutt, then locked in a coquina clutch of his own to choke out Joe for the win, and win the TNT Championship for a second time. Wardlow vs. Hobbs is on for Dynamite.

The Gunns (c) def. The Acclaimed, Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal, and Orange Cassidy & Danhausen - Four-Way Match for the AEW World Tag Team Championships

A match that started with Jeff Jarrett showered with Cialis pills could only get weirder considering who was involved in the bout. Jarrett started the match with Orange Cassidy, with the two doing Fargo Struts before OC tagged in Danhausen as the two walked wild on Jay Lethal. The Gunns made their way into the match and were greeted by jeers, such is the audience’s fondness for terrorising the ‘Ass Boys’. OC came back in to actually run wild this time, but Austin tagged in Jay Lethal before OC could fire off an Orange Punch.

Lethal Combination from the former ROH World Champion took OC down, but he fired back with Stundog Millionaire as Max Caster tagged in, with the Acclaimed hitting the Scissor Me Timbers on Sonjay Dutt to a big reaction. The Gunns rushed the former champs as Lethal wore down Anthony Bowens, with Jarrett using his veteran savvy to wear down the former champs. Quick tags by all four heels as they looked to take The Acclaimed out, then a four-way Fargo strut and scissor by the heels, although their showboating was almost their undoing. Max Caster fought out of a Stroke, then The Gunns took their shot and mowed down Jarrett and Lethal before being thrown out the ring by Satnam Singh. Danhausen attempted to curse the big man but Dutt intervened, leading to a trio attack from OC, Danhausen and Billy Gunn on Singh. 

The Gunns took Billy out with a double low blow leading to The Acclaimed rushing the brothers on behalf of Daddy Ass, hitting a Mic Drop for a near fall, with Colten Gunn breaking things up just in time. Jarrett missed El Kabong, which allowed Caster to grab the guitar, but ref Aubrey confiscated the instrument, as an Emmy shot from Lethal and Stroke from Jarrett almost got the win, with Caster kicking out just in time. Jarrett and Aubrey got into a shoving match as Austin Gunn got the blind tag, but he was met by a fired up Danhausen. However, Danhausen’s curse failed and he ate a 3:10 to Yuma as The Gunns successfully retained the gold.

Post-match, Renee Paquette interviewed the champs in the ring, but as Austin bigged up their accomplishments they were cut off by FTR’s music, as Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler returned to AEW. FTR and The Gunns brawled as the crowd went wild, and despite Dax taking a shot to the eyebrow and bleeding profusely, FTR sent the champs reeling with a spike piledriver and a Big Rig, before grabbing hold of the AEW World Tag Team Championships once more.

MJF (c) def. Bryan Danielson - 60-Minute Iron Man Match for the AEW World Championship

A masked string section made their way to the stage as ominous piano music played, before The Devil Himself, MJF, made his way to the ring, with MJF looking to get into Bryan Danielson’s head before the bell rang. Big fight in-ring introductions from Justin Roberts for this one, as MJF jawjacked with the crowd.

Classic Danielson ‘head kicked in’ chants rang out as this one got underway, with a cagey MJF wanting none of Danielson, with this match suiting the American Dragon on paper. Danielson quickly went into his bag to tie the champ up with several intricate submissions, but MJF had enough nous to avoid the LeBell Lock, as a smiling Danielson did starjumps in MJF’s face. A crisp series of chain and counter-wrestling moves broke out, with the audience applauding as both men kipped up to end the sequence. MJF  disingenuously offered a handshake, but Danielson kicked it away as MJF took a breather in the crowd, with MJF even throwing a drink at a child. Danielson rushed to get at the champ, getting MJF down for a surfboard attempt and pulling at his face as he told the ref “I have ’til five”. Danielson started peppering the champ with strikes in the corner, but Friedman soon saw an opening and started attacking Danielson, focusing on his kinesio-taped shoulder.

MJF started bickering with fans on the floor, allowing Danielson to hit a tope suicida, but Dragon’s shoulder hit the guardrail. Lovely hammerlock elevated DDT by MJF got a two, and MJF continued his assault, but showed frustration at not being able to register a single point. Danielson hit a big sunset flip powerbomb from the top as the clock showed 15 mins had passed, but Danielson could not follow up and get a cover on the champ. Dragon soon fired back up, hitting MJF with running corner dropkicks and a top rope Frankensteiner for two. Friedman was not down long, though, and hit a huge stomp to Danielson’s arm, then a nasty powerbomb backbreaker. With Danielson on the outside MJF went for an Asai Moonsault, but missed and hyperextended his knee on the landing, allowing Danielson to fire back with a tope suicida. Danielson was not on the front foot for long, as MJF momentarily locked in a Salt of the Earth Fujiwara Armbar, then a wheelbarrow driver for a nearfall.

The two continued to jockey for position, exchanging pins as referee Bryce Remsburg put his working boots on. Roughly 30 quick-fire pinfall attempts later and both men hit lariats to take it back to the mat. Danielson got to his feet first, and crushed MJF with a Busaiku Knee for a three count and the first fall.

Danielson 1 - MJF 0

35 mins left on the clock and Danielson was firmly in control, but MJF dropped down flat as Danielson contemplated another Busaiku Knee, suckering Danielson in for a low blow and losing a point to due to DQ.

Danielson 2 - MJF 0

With Danielson down from the groin shot, MJF followed up with two quickfire pinfalls to draw level.

Danielson 2 - MJF 2

The action spilled to the floor, with Danielson looking for a big dropkick into the railings, but ate a stiff clothesline for his troubles. MJF went for a running attack of his own but Danielson met him and peppered him with Yes Kicks, and ran around half of the ring to launch a big dropkick right at the champ.

We passed the 30 min mark as Danielson locked in a Figure Four leglock, engaging in a slapfight with MJF during the hold. MJF couldn’t counter the hold, but broke it with a rope as Danielson once again told the ref he has until five. Danielson was trashtalking Friedman as he took it to the apron, but he couldn’t hit a Jerry Lynn Cradle Piledriver on the apron. MJF in turn couldn’t hit a Tombstone on the apron, allowing Danielson to fire back with a series of kicks to MJF’s legs. The fight went to the top, but MJF punched Danielson down and onto the floor, before setting up the timekeeper’s table and crushing Danielson with a beautiful Heartbreak Elbow drop through it.

The ref issues another standing count on Danielson as MJF recovered in the ring, but Bryan beat the count once again. MJF was right on top of him though, hitting a jumping Tombstone Piledriver onto Danielson through the remnants of the table, once again hurting his knee in the process as the clock hit the 20 minute countdown. MJF hit a successful heatseeker on a bloodied Danielson for a three count, but could not follow up with a second pin due to the pain in his knee.

Danielson 2 - MJF 3

A fired-up MJF started planting mocking kicks in Danielson’s face as he screamed ‘YOU F****** SUCK’ then once again speaking to Danielson’s kids through the camera. A tired Danielson fought back to his feet, but collapsed when attempting a strike, as the clock hit the 45 minute mark. With 15 minutes to go MJF was in control and loving it, but never count out Bryan Danielson, with the ROH Hall of Famer crushing MJF on the outside with a huge top rope bodysplash to the floor. Both men went up top, but MJF ended up going crotch first into the turnbuckle as Danielson hit a rope-hung spider superplex and a follow-up desperation Swandive Headbutt. MJF was bleeding heavily from the headbutt with Danielson bleeding from his mouth, but Danielson fired back up to hit a Busaiku knee and a Regal Stretch to draw it level as we hit the 10-minute warning.

Danielson 3 - MJF 3

Danielson went back in for the Regal Stretch, but MJF finally locked in the Fujiwara Armbar onto Danielson’s worn-down shoulder, but Dragon rolled through whilst looking for a LeBell lock, finally locking it in in the middle of the ring as the crowd fired up. MJF rolled it into a pin attempt for two, then went back into the Armbar, dragging Danielson into the middle of the ring. As Danielson went for the rope MJF tied him up, grabbing his free arm and one leg, but Danielson used his remaining leg to get a rope break as the crowd chanted ‘this is awesome’.

Both men rose to their knees and exchanged right hands, eventually rising to their feet until once again taking each other down with harsh shots. MJF looked to be sobbing as Danielson laughed, with Justin Roberts announcing there was just five minutes remaining. The two resumed their strike exchange with Danielson taking MJF down with a stiff forearm shot, but MJF managed a second heatseeker… but could only get a two. MJF took it back to the top and hit a ridiculous avalanche Tombstone, but couldn’t cover Danielson due to re-injuring his knee. MJF eventually covered Danielson as time slipped away, but Danielson kicked out and locked in a single leg crab with 60 seconds left on the clock. Danielson had it locked deep in the middle of the ring, with MJF biting his own fist to stop himself tapping. The time expired with MJF tapping just outside the timeframe of the match, as Justin Roberts announced a draw, with MJF retaining.

The crowd chanted ‘bulls***’ as medical staff attended to the competitors, as Tony Schiavone received instructions from the back. MJF was receiving gas and air as Justin Roberts announced that Tony Khan had made an executive decision, and the match would continue for one more point under sudden death rules.

MJF shoved the ref and left himself open for a roll-up for two, then low-blowed Danielson whilst the ref wasn’t looking and got a roll-up of his own - also for a two count. MJF grabbed the title but the ref told him if he uses it the belt will change his hands. As the ref disposed of the belt, MJF went for a diamond ring shot, but Danielson hit a poison frankensteiner and a Busaiku knee, but MJF somehow kicked out at 2.99. The crowd were on their feet as Danielson started laying into MJF with kicks, then locked in the single leg crab once more as the ref confiscated the diamond ring. MJF grabbed the rope, but tapped to trick Danielson into thinking he had the win. As Danielson spoke with the ref, MJF slipped to the floor and grabbed the oxygen tank, smashing Danielson in the face as the ref was distracted, then locked in a mocking LeBell lock. Danielson’s arm dropped twice, and although he fired back before the third drop it was not enough as Danielson finally tapped, with MJF officially winning four points to three.

Danielson 3 - MJF 4

AEW Revolution 2023 results:

  • MJF (c) def. Bryan Danielson - 60-Minute Iron Man Match for the AEW World Championship
  • The Gunns (c) def. The Acclaimed, Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal, and Orange Cassidy & Danhausen - Four-Way Match for the AEW World Tag Team Championships
  • Wardlow def. Samoa Joe (c) - TNT Championship
  • Hangman Page def. Jon Moxley - Texas Death Match
  • Jamie Hayter (c) def. Ruby Soho & Saraya - Three-Way Match for the AEW Women’s World Championship
  • The House of Black def. The Elite (c) - AEW World Trios Championships
  • ‘Jungle Boy’ Jack Perry def. Christian Cage - Final Burial Match
  • Ricky Starks def. Chris Jericho
  • Mark Briscoe & The Lucha Brothers def. Ari Daivari & The Varsity Athletes - Zero Hour Pre-Show


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