AEW Revolution 2025 Results

All the action from AEW Revolution 2025

Jack Atkins side view with black and white filter

Mar 10, 2025

Graphic for Jon Moxley vs. Cope at AEW Revolution 2025

It is Revolution time once more, with All Elite Wrestling’s first Pay Per View event of 2025 taking place in Los Angeles’ Crypto Arena.

Expectations going in were high, with the previous several Revolution events candidates for PPV of the year, but would 2025 live up to the lofty bar set by prior events?

We have all the results from AEW Revolution 2025 below.

Komander & Hologram def. Lee Johnson & Blake Christian - Pre-Show

Bit of Ring of Honor action to start us off. Johnson and Christian started off strong, jumping the luchadors before the bell, but Hologram soon found his footing, dropping both men with a tandem DDT Jawbreaker before the ROH TV Champion came in for some stereo topes. Komander and Hologram used their speed and a lot of tandem offence to get a foothold in the match, but some mistimed offence allowed Christian to hit a rope hung Komander with a frogsplash as the heels wrestled back control of the bout. Christian looked for a Lethal Injection but ate a kick to the back in mid air as Hologram tagged back in to tangle with Johnson, hitting a Spanish Fly before turning his attention to Blake Christian, but the heels regrouped as Johnson hit a tope con hilo, Christian hit a springboard 450, before Christian rocked Komander with a tope as Johnson hit Hologram with a frogsplash for two.Hologram regrouped for a stiff piledriver on Christian on the apron, before eating a Spicolli driver from Lee, Komander hitting a hurricanrana to the floor before Christian nailed a tope - a lot of action in a short amount of time.

The action returned to the ring, Komander launching off a shoulder hung Blake to hit Johnson with a Destroyer, before taking out Johnson on the floor with a double-jump moonsault press as Hologram got the win with a 450 on Christian. Good opener.

Daniel Garcia & The Undisputed Kingdom def. Shane Taylor Promotions - Pre-Show

Matt Menard joined comms for this one, with his boy Danny Garcia joining the Undisputed Kingdom for on enight. Roderick Strong and Kyle O’Reilly started off on Carlie Bravo, the ROH legends pasting the Infantry member. More quick tags as Adam Cole came in to tee off on Bravo, before Garcia tagged in. Shane Taylor ran a train on the floor to take everyone out as we saw HOOK, Shibata and Samoa Joe watching on from a box. Garcia attempted to suplex Shane Taylor to no joy, as all of STP swarmed Red Death, the TNT Champion isolated in enemy territory. STP continued on the offence as The Kingdom protested, Taylor crushing Garcia with an apron leg drop to the back. Garcia eventually fought back to deadlift back suplex Taylor to a big reaction, before getting the hot tag, O’Reilly with a kick, Strong with a backbreaker, then Cole in to re-establish control. OG Last Shot for two on Moriarty, Cole absolutely flying, but a Panama Sunsrise attempt was thwarted as Garcia got a blind tag before locking in a Dragon Tamer on Moriarty, his eyes fixed on Cole. Moriarty tapped, Cole smirking at Garcia as the TNT Champion made a quick exit.

Chris Jericho (c) vs. Gravity - No Contest - ROH World Championship - Pre-Show

Match called off before it could even begin as Jericho wailed on Gravity with Floyd the bat as The Learning tree laid into Gravity. Out came Gravity’s brother Bandido to make the save, but the numbers game caught up as Big Bill crushed Gravity with a huge chokeslam as Jericho and Bryan Keith wailed on Bandido. Bill held Bandido as Keith held Gravity, Jericho unmasking Gravity to a huge wave of boos, Gravity’s family at ringside distraught by the disrespect. Judas Effect to Gravity as Bandido covered his brother.

Bandido and Gravity’s mother and sister came in to the ring as Jericho threatened all four with the baseball bat, before kicking Bandido in the face and holding gravity’s mask aloft as a sick trophy. Jericho flipped off the fans and retreated with his crew to a chorus of boos.

"Big Boom!" A.J. & The Conglomeration def. Johnny TV & MxM Collection - Pre-Show

What will probably be the loudest pop of the night as Orange Cassidy came out with The Rizzler, his royal Rizzness dressed just like OC. He’s amazing.

OC started with TV, Johnny missing some karate offence but hitting a spinaroonie to a pop, OC getting a bigger pop as he went sloth style before Mark Briscoe tagged in for some a flurry of offence before AJ came in for the 10 BOOM punches in the corner. TV rolled in desperation to tag in Mase who faced off with OC and Mansoor rushed OC before posing with his partner in the middle of the ring, OC joining in with a smile and a thumbs up before diving to the floor for a cooke with Big Justice and The Rizzler. Mansoor ended up getting a cooke down his throat to his disgust, but back in ring Mase hit a big bossman slam on OC after Taya Valkyrie tripped orange to disrupt his flow. As MxM stomped on Cassidy, TV and Valkyrie made out too boos.

OC eventually got to his corner to bring Briscoe in for some redneck kung fu, the Sussex County Chicken unloading on TV and Mansoor, hitting the latter with a running flipping neckbreaker off the apron to the floor. Mase again got momentum in their favourite with a big chokeslam on Briscoe off the top before TV hit the Superstation (fka Starship Pain) for two, Big Justice and Rizzler in shock on the floor. Shotgun dropkick by Briscoe before Big Boom AJ hot tagged in to bring the boom to the heels. Huge clothesline on MxM in the corner, then TV whipped to join them as AJ hit a big avalanche then a back body drop on TV and a form of belly-to-belly on Mansoor as he ran wild. Mase got a choke on AJ but Big Boom powered out and hit a big-time bodyslam for a two. AJ set Mase up for the powerboom but Taya Valkyrie hopped on the apron to distract him as Mansoor and Johnny TV attacked. As Johnny necked on with Taya one more time Harley Cameron ran out to level the playing field, as Big Boom cut Johnny in half with the Powerboom. Mase attacked Big Boom as Mansoor went for the 10 punches on AJ, only for Big Justice to run in and hit a big powerbomb to a huge reaction. Mase cut down AJ with a side kick then threatened to batter Big Justice, but the faces ran in for a triple Powerboom on Mansoor for the win. Silly and fun.

Post-match the Monster Machines came down to stare out the faces, only for Powerhouse Hobbs to come down and attack Mansoor, as Adam Devine and Tony Cavalero from The Righteous Gemstones came in for a double chokeslam on Mase. Taz was very confused on commentary.

Hangman Page def. MJF

Big cheers as Hangman’s OG music fired up… only for MJF’s music to cut in as MJF played some mind games early. Straight into the yay boo punches as the ball rang, Page getting the early momentum as MJF was never going to out-strike the Hangman. Eye-poke by MJF to get into the bout, MJF barely getting a one count after a jawbreaker. Better luck with a huge powerbomb for MJF for two, Hangman getting caught when attempting a standing frankensteiner. What can only be described as a running penis to the head by MJF which only served to enrage Hangman, doubly so after spitting in Page’s face. Fallaway slam by Page as he took a moment to regroup, before knocking MJF to the floor with a clothesline to the back of the head and a vaulting body press. Huge moonsault by Page, but back in ring MJF regrouped to hit a huge Alabama slam out of the corner and a guillotine DDT for two. Duelling pin attempts before Page came close with a Deadeye for two, then a Buckshot Lariat after avoiding a Heatseeker, but MJF got his foot to the rope to stay in the game. A woozy MJF made it back to his feet, only for Page to spit in his eye and hit a big lariat, but as hangman readied for a second Buckshot MJF fell to the outside of the ring.

On the outside Hangman missed a shoulder barge to collide with the steel steps, but back in ring as he went for the Buckshot once more MJF caught him in the Salt of the Earth Fujiwara armbar, before transitioning into an armbreaker guillotine, then a double arm lock as Page got his boot to the rope. MJF took Tony Schiavone’s headset to tell the audience back home that he was the ‘f****** man’, but this allowed Hangman to regroup, but his arm was too damaged to hit a tombstone on the floor. Page hit a moonsault off he gaurdrail and managed to roll through into a tombstone position, only for MJF to roll through and hit a leaping tombstone onto a standing chair at ringside to a huge reaction as refs and doctors checked on Page.

MJF relaxed in ring as the ref counted, but as Hangman narrowly beat the 10-count an incensed MJF was on the verge of tears, but his attempt at a Heatskeeker saw Hangman hit a Deadeye then a rough Angel’s Wings right into MJF’s face - that looked nasty. MJF made it to his feet but Page flew in with a stiff Buckshot Lariat for the 1-2-3.

Mercedes Moné (c) def. Momo Watanabe - TBS Championship

Hold counter-hold start as Momo and Moné felt each other out, Momo getting a kick to the gut and some mindgames as Mercedes cowered when expecting a kick to the head only to be patronisingly called cute. Mercedes attempted a headscissors only for Momo to readjust for a package tombstone, for Moné to roll through for a pinfall attempt. Mercedes rolled through a Meteora attempt by Momo to lock in the Staement Maker crossface, Watanabe getting her foot to the rope. Nasty Meteora through the ropes by Mercedes crushed Momo before the two jockeyed for position on the apron before Mercedes planted Momo into the floor from the apron with a slugging powerbomb. Second Meteora by Mercedes got a two as Billie Starkz watched from a box taking notes. Monémaker attempt rolled through as Momo his a form of a capture belly to back piledriver for two, but Mercedes fought on and got only Two Amigos before Momo fought back and hit Two Amigos of her own before hanging Mercedes in the tree of woe with the third Amigo and planting the champ with some vicious kicks to the chest and neck area. More kicks and a base hit dropkick in the corner by Momo for two, the crowd chanting ‘CEO’ as Momo imitated Mercedes’ dance moves. Mercedes was in trouble as Momo locked in a Crossface Chickenwing in the centre of the ring, the hold broken when Moné turned it into a pinfall for a two count. Moné backstabber got the momentum back in the champ’s favour, before a Bret’s rope Meteora for two.

A frustrated Moné yelled out but missed a corner Meteora as Momo evaded it and planted some more stiff kicks from the apron. Momo then went for a stiff bret’s rope Meteora of her own on the apron, before getting a two count back in the ring. Monémaker again thwarted, but Mercedes fired back with a kick and rolled through into another Statement Maker as duelling chants rang out. Momo went for another Chickenwing but Moné fought back with a powerbomb but could only get a two count. Mercedes took her time going up top, Momo hitting a high roundhouse kick to the head before heading up for a spinning sambo suplex for a two count. Release Northern Lights suplex for two for Momo then some super stiff kicks to the jaw by Momo and a standing roundhouse for two as a worn out Moné barely kicked out - that second kick to the face look like it legit rocked Moné. Momo missed a flying Meteora as Moné hit a diving crossbody then a Moneemaker into a Statement Maker for the tap out win.

Swerve Strickland def. Ricochet - Number One Contender’s Match

Ricochet strutted his way to the ring in the stolen Embassy robe of Jimmy Rave - now with his own logo plastered on the back - in a move that will only anger Swerve and Prince Nana. Live drum solo brought out Nana who led the crowd in dances as a stoic looking Strickland made his way to the ring.

Both men flew out of the traps, Swerve getting first blood with a big shoulderblock to send Ricochet to the mat, and then to the floor. Swerve cartwheeled out of the way of a flipping Ricochet, catching him in a rack into a rib breaker. Backdrop by Ricochet as he taunted Nana from the apron, then an open handed slap to Swerve’s face, Swerve responding in kind with a clothesline to the floor and a flurry of fists and knees at the barricade. Nana went to check on a frenzied Swerve who turned and shoved the Prince to the floor, so lost in rage was he. As Swerve tried to apologise Ricochet ran across the barricade and hit a house call, then back in ring with a diving springboard clothesline and a lionsault for two as Nana walked to the back, abandoning Strickland to a wave of boos. SNL alum Leslie Jones rallied the crowd as Ricochet and Swerve exchanged strikes in ring, before a running Diamond Cutter from Ricochet dropped the former AEW World Champion. Swerve briefly regrouped to hit a backbreaker and dropkick before both men lay supine on the mat.

Swerve was first up with a kip up, then avoided a second cutter to hit a stalling brainbuster for two. Ricochet fired back with a discuss lariat, before heading up top, Swerve joining him to throw him to the apron only for Ricochet to fire back with a springboard Dragonrana, Swerve rolling through to hit a powerbomb only to keep hold and hoist Ricochet up for a second only to transition into a spinning powerslam for two. The fight returned to the apron as Swerve nailed Ricochet with a roundhouse to the face, only for Ricochet to hit a poison Frankensteiner on the apron to send Strickland flying to the floor. Ricochet threw Swerve onto the Spanish announce table in front of Ken Jeong, but spent too long posing as Swerve channeled Homicide to hit Da Cop Killa onto the tabletop. Back in ring Swerve hit a massive Swerve Stomp for two as the fans rallied behind him, Ricochet unsuccessfully attempting a low blow before hitting a rolling Northern Lights suplex Brainbuster combo and the 630 for two and three-quarters - Ricochet’s cocky lackadaisical cover being his undoing. Big cheers as Prince Nana ran out to grab the Embassy Robe, Ricochet crushing nana with a tope suicida to take the robe back and put it on. Swerve attempted a tope of his own only for Ricochet to catch him with a nasty Spicolli Driver on the floor, but had the wherewithal to kick out of a Vertigo attempt in the ring as Ricochet looked shocked. Ricochet readied in the corner as Nana grabbed the robe, the distraction allowing Swerve to get a roll up for two, only for Ricochet to push Swerve into Nana for a roll up of his own for two, Swerve kicking out and hitting two house calls… but only for two. Big Pressure and the pinfall win, and Swerve Strickland is the number one contender for the AEW World Championship. Post-match Swerve and Nana hugged it out.

Kazuchika Okada def. Brody King - AEW Continental Championship

Big bodyslam by King let Okada know who he was, Okada hi-tailing to the floor and apologising to King before eating a stiff chop as the crowd barked in approval. The fight spilled all over the ringside area as Brody sank some big chops to build up some strong momentum in the early stages of this fight, but a ringisde crossbody attempt met only barricade, a red-chested Okada dodging then hitting a DDT on the floor to get some breathing space. Okada laid in some strikes, King’s return chops visibly had Okada wincing, but it couldn’t stop him hitting a big bodyslam, although his attempt at a top rope elbow took too long as King regrouped to hit a superplex. Series of lariats by King and a big back body drop, then a huge elbow suicida as Okada looked to be in trouble. Okada grabbed the Continental Championship but was sat on a ringside chair by Brody who managed to hit the running crossbody on the second time of asking.

Back in ring Okada fired back, but a missed dropkick allowed Brody to hit a slugging Hansen lariat. Okada shook it off to hit the trapping neckbreaker to the knee, then the flying elbow and big middle finger. Rainmaker attempt countered into a corner Spicolli driver and the big cannonball for two before the fight again spilled to the floor, Okada having enough and bringing a chair into the ring. As the ref disposed of the chair Okada nailed a beltshot on Brody but could only get two, and a follow-up Rainmaker attempts was countered as Brody lariated Okada into the mat. Ganso bomb attempt countered, but Brody regrouped for a corner avalanche, but a follow up cannonball attempt saw Okada hit that beautiful dropkick and the Rainmaker for the three.

The Hurt Syndicate (c) def. The Outrunners - AEW World Tag Team Championship

Lio Rush and Action Andretti watching on from ringside for this one, as Truth Magnum and Shelton Benjamin kicked things off, Shelton absorbing a Magnum suplex to pop up and hit a bodyslam as Turbo Floyd tagged in to rock Shelton with punches as Truth came back in for a double clothesline to send Benjamin to the floor, then sent Lashley off the apron before a big gun show in the middle of the ring as MVP barked at his associates. Hurt Syndicate regrouped and took control of the bout, Lashley toying with Magnum before Shelton attacked him on the floor with repeated throws into the ring and the guardrail before some big release German suplexes in the ring. Lashley running Stampede powerslam got two, but after Shelton tagged back in Truth managed to hit a facebuster bulldog before getting the hot tag to Turbs who regained from an early fumble to slam Benjamin before the Sonnovabitch elbow by The Outrunners.

MVP was incensed on the floor as Lashley levelled the challengers before throwing Magnum into the sttel steps. In ring Turbo Floyd absorbed several Benjamin punches before firing back with some big 80s right hands and a ropewalk armdrag… only for Shelton to jump up with a thrust kick for two. Lashley huge chokeslam on Truth then the spear, Benjamin rocking Turbo with a corner knee as Lashley hit the spear to allow Shelton to get the three.

Toni Storm (c) def. Mariah May - AEW Women’s World Championship Hollywood Ending match

Mariah rushed Toni on the entrance ramp for a fight, spitting in Luther’s face for good measure. May and Toni jockeyede for position on the ramp, Mariah dropping Toni with a DDT for two on the entrance stage. Mariah produced a taser, but as Luther attempted to stop her Mariah hit him with a dropkick into a catering table, May landing harshly on her lower back as a result. Baldo Bomb off the stage through a table by Toni for two, Toni bleeding from the mouth, her face painted like Bette Davis in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane. Back at ringside Mariah was crotched on the guardwall before Toni hit a draping DDT onto the floor. May fired back to crush Storm’s head with the Storm Zero onto the steel steps, but the former champ was reeling. No matter as it was plunder time, May grabbing a chain and some chairs from under the ring as Toni Storm’s forehead poured blood. Tree of woe hip attack into a chair for Mariah got two, but a fired up bloody Storm nailed a snap release German suplex before grabbing a champagne bucket full of broken glass as May did the same, the two taping their fists and channelling the Bad Breed in ECW as they dipped their sticky fists into the glass for a Taipei deathmatch fight. Storm get the first jab with the glassy fist before dumping the remaining glass onto the mat, Mariah busted open by Storm’s glassy jab. Storm dragged glass across Mariah’s face but May fired back with a broken bottle to the crotch. Stratusphere by Mariah sent Storm into the glass, and a follow-up piledriver into the glass could only get a two. May took too long to follow-up, as Storm snapped a Storm Zero into the glass for a two of her own.

As Toni grabbed the bloodied shoe from the timekeeper’s table, May legged it for the entrance, only for Toni to grab her and whip her with the AEW Women’s World Championship. Mariah begged for mercy as Toni held the shoe ready for a strike, Mariah hitting the Mayday for a nearfall on the stage. The two fought up onto some elevated platforms as Toni wailed on May with the shoe in the back of the head then a Storm Zero through a table for the win. Both women were a bloody mess, Toni giving John Cena and Eddie Guerrero a run for their money in the crimson mask stakes. Storm hugged a KO’d May on the floor as this fantastic rivalry arrived to its fitting conclusion.

Kenny Omega def. Konosuke Takeshita (c) - AEW International Championship

Don Callis on comms for this one as Takeshita looks to land a third big win over Omega. Strike exchange to start off, Takeshita absorbing some big Omega chops to hit the flying elbow to send the former AEW World Champion to the mat. Kenny fired back to send Takeshita to the floor then hit a vaulting body press as the fight spilled to the floor. Takeshita regained control as the match returned to the ring, spiking Omega with a DDT for two before throwing Omega to the floor as Don Callis rushed and hit his ‘nephew’ so hard that he hurt his own hand. Omega missed a flying crossbody and took a kitchen sink as Takeshita focused his offence on Omega’s weak gut, before following up with a release Exploder suplex.

On the floor Takeshita set up a table, but as he readied to drive Omega through it Kenny fought back, and levelled Takeshita with a facegrab-drop onto the apron, then the fireman’s roll on the floor, but took too long readying for a moonsault off the barricade, Takeshita shoving Omega stomach first onto an adjacent section of the barricade. Two count off a stiff elbow shot for Takeshita, and another two from a brainbuster, but Omega fought back to hit a crossbody and some Polish hammers before finally hitting the fireman’s roll moonsault combo for two. As omega readied for the Terminator tope Don Callis once again attacked, before Takeshita hit a massive release German suplex on the floor. A frustrated Kenny flipped the table on the floor, but it was his undoing as Takeshita hit a reverse suplex onto the underside of the wood, then set it on his side as he hit another - Omega landing stomach first on the table edge.

Omega was battered, Takeshita hitting a series of sentons in the ring as Omega struggled, so much so that referee Paul Turner asked Takeshita to exercise restraint. Takeshita ignored this and went up top for another Senton but Omega rolled out of the way. The two exchanged standing blows, but Takeshita again came out on top, only for Omega to hit a Snapdragon out of nowhere. V Trigger, powerbomb, and another V Trigger could only get a two, but a third V Trigger attempt was countered as Takeshita hit the Blue Thunder for two. Takeshita again rocked Omega with a lariat to the apron, but as he went up top Omega regrouped to hit a flipping springboard Ligerbomb for two. Another V Trigger, but Takeshita was out on his feet, Omega in too weak a state to hoist him up for the One Winged Angel. Takeshita attempted one of his own before hitting a Tombstone into a package Tombstone for two, then a pair of stiff running knees, the second getting a one count as the crowd went berserk. A punch-drunk Omega managed to avoid a Raging Fire to hit a ripcord knee and a Terry Funk pulling piledriver for two. Huge pair of kicks to the face by Kenny, another V Trigger and a poison Frankensteiner as Don Callis rose to his feet. V Trigger, but Callis grabbed Takeshita’s hand, before Omega and Takeshita jockeyed for position, Omega rolling Takeshita up to become your new AEW International Champion, and the first Grand Slam Champion in AEW history.

Will Ospreay def. Kyle Fletcher - Steel Cage Match

A fired up Kyle Fletcher ascended the cage before the bell, waiting for his former United Empire brother on top of the imposing structure. Dubstep style intro for Will Ospreay before his usual theme kicked in, Ospreay meeting Fletcher up top, standing across the cage from his opponent.

As the bell rang the two flew out of the traps, Fletcher getting the first blow before both men attempted to drive one another’s head into the steel. Ospreay looked to smash his achilles into the cage when going for a handspring, Fletcher diving on top like a hyena as soon as he could smell blood. Stundog Millionaire out of nowhere by Ospreay, but an Oscutter attempt was caught as Fletcher drove Ospreay face-first into the cage busting him open. Fletcher mocked Ospreay but ate a Phenomenal Forearm out of nowhere, Ospreay firing up to ram the ‘Protostar’ into the cage before hitting a standing Skytwister for two. Strike exchange before Fletcher exposed the turnbuckle but as he went up Ospreay slipped out for a Cheeky Nandos, then dropped Fletcher facefirst onto the exposed buckle then launched Fletcher into the cage.

The two fought their way up the cage, Ospreay repeatedly smashing Kyle’s bleeding face into the steel before hitting a Skytwister off the top rope for two. As Ospreay attempted a follow-up he got hung up on the top rope and calf kicked in the face, Fletcher then following up with the sit-out last ride powerbomb for a nearfall. Fletcher repeatedly kicked Ospreay in the face, coating his white kickpads with his foe’s blood, but as he licked the blood off his palm Ospreay rose up to give Fletcher a taste of his own medicine, before the two exchanged standing facekicks. Ospreay went for the flip over powerbomb, but Fletcher rolled through, only for Ospreay to counter and hit a DDT. Fletcher somehow rose back to his feet and hit a big brainbuster for two as Mark Davis walked to the ring with a duffel bag. Davis unearthed some bolt cutters and cut his way into the cage, handing his Aussie open team mate a chair and the bag. Ospreay realised what was going on, dropped Fletcher and kicked the cage into Davis’ head before grabbing a barbed wire baseball bat from the bag and unloading on Fletcher. Ospreay drove the bat into Fletcher’s face Cactus Jack style then gave us a bang bang for good measure. Ospreay readied to strike Fletcher again with the bat but Ospreay meekly held up his United Empire armband and threw up the handsignal only for Ospreay to flip him off. As Ospreay brought the bat over his head Fletcher punched him square in the junk then wiped his blood with the armband and stuffed it down Ospreay’s throat. Fletcher swung and missed with the bat, Ospreay hit the Hidden Blade and the Stormbreaker… for two as Mark Davis made the save. A bleeding Davis choked Ospreay out as Kyle shouted at his former friend. Aussie Open then hoisted Ospreay up but he hit a poison Frankensteiner out of nowhere on Fletcher, then a Hidden Blade into a chair into Davis’ face as referees restored order and rechained the cage door.

Ospreay climbed up the cage then flew off with a huge Oscutter for two as the crowd erupted in ‘holy s***’ chants. Ospreay then payed further homage to Cactus Jack by wrapping his arm with barbed wire as Fletcher made an attempt to escape the cage, grabbing the screwdriver from the support struts and driving it into Ospreay’s forehead, stomach, and back. Ospreay attempted to hit a Styles Clash out of nowhere but ate another big brainbuster, then one more onto an upright chair for two and three quarters. Fletcher then littered the mat with thumbtacks before setting up another Brainbuster, only for Ospreay to flip out with a Frankensteiner then a Styles Clash into the tacks for two and seven-eighths, a pin strewn Fletcher screaming in agony. Ospreay went for another Stormbreaker but Fletcher wriggled out and ascended the cage, Ospreay meeting him up-top with the screwdriver, driving the tool into Fletcher’s head as he lay atop the steel structure. The crowd then gasped in disbelief as Ospreay hit a frankly ridiculous Spanish Fly from the top of the steel cage back into the ring. A fired up Ospreay roared as Fletcher screamed that he hated him, Ospreay levelling him with a Hidden Blade then the Tiger Driver '91 for the victory.

Jon Moxley (c) def. Cope & Christian Cage - AEW World Championship

Main event time, Justin Roberts with the in-ring introductions with both champion and challenger flying solo tonight. Big middle finger from Mox before an exchange of forearm shots in the middle of the ring, both men dropping to one knee until Mox eventually put Cope on his back. The two returned to their feet as Mox trash talked Cope as they went for round two, Cope avoiding a piledriver attempt then clotheslining Mox to the floor and hitting a baseball slide to send the champ reeling. Cope off the top rope to the floor with a big diving body press as the body spilled to the floor. The two slowly brawled around the ring, Mox smashing Cope’s shoulder into the ringpost before the champ went over to the commentary desk to tell Jim Ross he’d see both the start and end of Cope’s career firsthand then resumed his assault of Cope. Mox focused his attacks on Cope’s surgically repaired neck, hitting a neckbreaker on the apron then covering for a two count. Mox continued to dismantle Cope, onyl for the Rated R Superstar to get a roll-up out of nowhere for two only to annoy Moxley who hit a cutter as HOOK, Shibata, and Samoa Joe watched on. Cope regrouped to hit the Impaler DDT out of nowhere, but could not cover. Mocking slaps from Moxley received a clothesline in reply, Cope hitting several clotheslines and the Edge-o-matic for two as he built some momentum, hitting Mox with a superplex as a follow-up. Cope locked in a crossface but Mox managed to get to the rope, but as he got to his feet Cope sent him to the floor with a big spear through the ropes.

Fighting on the floor Mox sent Cope flying into the steel steps before yelling down the mic that he was going to break Cope’s neck and send him home then peeling back the ringside mats and exposing the floor beneath. Mox readied for a piledriver on the floor but ended up taking a backdrop. Cope tried to follow-up with another spear but ate a kick then a curbstomp into the floor as a wave of boos greeted Moxley. Mox took the fight back into the ring and went for the Bulldog choke, but Cope fought out, only for Mox to crush him with a piledriver for two. Mox locked in the Bulldog in the middle of the ring, but as Cope looked like he was about to fade he managed to get his fingertips to the ropes. Mox took his time breaking the hold, drawing the ire of referee Bryce Remsburg, and after taking an earful from the ref Mox grabbed a steel chair, only for the ref to confiscate it as Cope got a roll-up. However as the ref was disposing of the chair Mox kicked out and shoved Cope into the ref who spilled to the floor, Mox levelling Cope with a Paradigm Shift to take him out. Undeterred, Mox grabbed a pair of chairs and readied for a con-chair-to, but he took too long to deliver the killing blow, Cope kicking the chair into Mox’s face.

The two jockeyed for a DDT but ended up taking each other out with clotheslines, the crowd booing as Wheeler Yuta made his way to the ring. As Mox and Cope slowly made it to their feet Yuta crushed Cope with a Busiaku Knee and shook his head as Mox told his young charge to grab the Halliburton which its assumed houses the AEW World Championship. Jay White then made his way to the ring to take out Yuta, but as he went to level Mox with the briefcase the champ ducked, Cope getting absolutely clobbered by Switchblade. Yuta and White then fought their way to the back as Mox covered Cope, the referee recovering to count a slow two and 11/12ths as Cope got his shoulder up. As Mox argued with the ref he didn’t notice Cope making it back to his feet, nailing the champ with a big spear… but it was only good for two. Cope hit a second spear, and a third… only for Christian Cage to pull the ref out and cash in his contract, nailing his former tag partner with the contract for good measure as the match was officially made a three-way.

Christian Spear for two and the Killswitch for another two as Mox ran in and locked in the Bulldog choke on Cage, Christian attempting a sneaky pin on Cope to no avail as Mox locked the hold deeper still. Cage again tried to get to Cope but he faded, the referee calling it as Christian Cage passed out.

Mox then grabbed his Halliburton and made his exit through the crowd. As Mox made it to the exit he was cut off by Prince Nana who taunted him about Swerve Strickland being number one contender. Security rushed to protect Nana, with Mox unaware that Swerve was poised above him on the guardrail, before launching off and crushing the champ with a huge Swerve stomp before reminding the world that this is his house.

Full results; AEW Revolution, March 9 2025:

  • Jon Moxley (c) def. Cope & Christian Cage - AEW World Championship
  • Will Ospreay def. Kyle Fletcher - Steel Cage Match
  • Kenny Omega def. Konosuke Takeshita (c) - AEW International Championship
  • Toni Storm (c) def. Mariah May - AEW Women’s World Championship Hollywood Ending match
  • The Hurt Syndicate (c) def. The Outrunners - AEW World Tag Team Championship
  • Kazuchika Okada def. Brody King - AEW Continental Championship
  • Swerve Strickland def. Ricochet - Number One Contender’s Match
  • Mercedes Moné (c) def. Momo Watanabe - TBS Championship
  • Hangman Page def. MJF
  • "Big Boom!" A.J. & The Conglomeration def. Johnny TV & MxM Collection - Pre-Show
  • Chris Jericho (c) vs. Gravity - No Contest - ROH World Championship - Pre-Show
  • Daniel Garcia & The Undisputed Kingdom def. Shane Taylor Promotions - Pre-Show
  • Komander & Hologram def. Lee Johnson & Blake Christian - Pre-Show

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