AEW WrestleDream 2024 Results

Full results for AEW WrestleDream 2024

Aidan Gibbons smiling in front of a green screen in an Adidas hoodie

Oct 12, 2024

WrestleDream 2024 logo.jpg

All Elite Wrestling presented their WrestleDream pay-per-view from the Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, Washington on Saturday, October 12, with the main question heading into the event being would fans around the world end up watching the final match of Bryan Danielson's full-time in-ring career.


Brian Cage (c) def. Atlantis Jr. - ROH World Television Championship - Zero Hour

All Elite Wrestling's WrestleDream Zero Hour began early, getting underway an hour and 15 minutes before the actual pay-per-view. The match featured early dominance from Brian Cage and he even had time to taunt after taking Atlantis Jr. down with a Spinebuster. The taunting only continued for the next few minutes as Cage dominated the ROH World Television Champion.

Atlantis Jr. eventually managed to fight back, taking out Cage with a Suicide Dive before a Tope Con Hilo and a near fall back in the ring. The match became even from here and Cage thought he had the match won following a Pumphandle Piledriver but Atlantis kicked out at two.

The ROH World Television Champion followed up with an Airplane Spin Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall of his own, with both competitors ending up frustrated as the match reached the 10-minute mark. Atlantis called for the kill and hit a Frog Splash but Brian Cage, once again, kicked out.

Atlantis looked to follow up with a Hurricanrana from the top rope but Brian Cage fired back with an Avalanche Powerbomb. Cage then went for the Drillclaw but Atlantis reversed into a pin for two. This didn't stop Cage for long, though, and he followed up with a Discus Lariat and the Drillclaw for the victory.

The opening match of AEW WrestleDream Zero Hour saw Brian Cage win the ROH World Television Championship.

Following the match, MxM Collection were featured in a backstage interview and they revealed they would be joined by Rico!

Anna Jay def. Harley Cameron - Zero Hour

AEW wasted no time getting to the next match as Anna Jay went one-on-one with Harley Cameron.

The match saw Anna Jay dominate the early going, including stretching Harley Cameron across the ring post. Jay then looked to pull Cameron's nether regions into the ring post but a momentary hesitation allowed Harley to counter, sending Anna Jay flying into the ring post.

Minutes of Harley Cameron dominance followed until Jay fired back with a Jawbreaker and Crossbody before a Jay Kick. Cameron managed to fire back with a Running Knee but Jay kicked out.

After pinning exchanges, Harley Cameron connected with Sole Food for another near fall but Anna Jay soon hit a Vertebreaker-esque move of her own. Harley Cameron's shoulder briefly wasn't down which led to a couple of messy moments before the referee counted the pin.

The Acclaimed def. MxM Collection - Zero Hour

Following a rap from Max Caster about cloud seeding and P Diddy, The Acclaimed took control in the early going before Max Caster took a Spinning Heel Kick to the gut from Rico when Aubrey Edwards wasn't looking.

This allowed MxM Collection to gain the upper hand, with Mason Madden flattening Max Caster with a Rear End before he pinned Caster in a compromising position. MxM Collection continued to work over Caster before he made the hot tag to Anthony Bowens who ran wild on Mansoor and Mason Madden, taking out the former NFL player with a Fameasser.

MxM fired back with an Enziguiri-Spinebuster combination for a near fall before Bowens blocked a Centre Fold attempt from the male models. Caster then looked to follow up with the Mic Drop but Mason Madden caught him out of mid air and allowed him and Mansoor to hit a Chokeslam-German Suplex combination. Billy Gunn thought that was it on the outside but Caster kicked out.

MxM Collection then touched tips and they looked to hit a Scissor Me Timbers, only to be blocked by Bowens. Anthony then used Mansoor's head to hit a WAZZUP to Madden's testicles before a Scissor Me Timbers. Bowens then connected with a dive to the outside, taking out both members of MxM Collection.

Rico tried to pull Mansoor back into the ring but Constantino realised Billy Gunn was behind him. As "You F*cked Up"chants filled the Tacoma Dome, Billy Gunn told him to suck his d*ck and hit a Fameasser. Moments later, Anthony Bowens hit The Arrival on Mansoor and Max Caster followed up with the Mic Drop for the win.

Mercedes Moné and Kamille were shown arriving at the arena next and Moné demanded to be told where her locker room was. Queen Aminata then told Moné not to be rude before Mercedes asked who she was and walked off.

There was then a very awkward tribute to Antonio Inoki with Tony Khan and Inoki's grandsons.

The Outrunners, Orange Cassidy & Kyle O'Reilly def. Tony Nese, Ariya Daivari, John Silver & Alex Reynolds - Zero Hour

OUTRUNNERS TIME next as Turbo Floyd and Truth Magnum teamed with Kyle O'Reilly and Orange Cassidy against Dark Order and The Varsity Athletes.

The babyfaces were quickly on top as AEW commentary revealed The Outrunners practice high-fiving every day and that Turbo and Truth were born at the exact same time, just in different hospital rooms. No wonder they are the Youngest Men Alive.

While we were regaled with facts, Alex Reynolds ate 31 punches in the corner until Ariya Daivari made the save for his tag team partner. The referee then ended up being distracted which allowed Josh Woods to take out Orange Cassidy as the heels took control.

The Outrunners got their team back into the match, hitting Powerslam after Powerslam before they flexed biceps together. Josh Woods then paid dividends again, causing another distraction when the referee wasn't looking. Ariya Daivari almost scored the win for his team with a Frog Splash until Kyle O'Reilly broke up the pin.

It was then back to the 1980s as Turbo Floyd hulked up and took out Ariya Daivari. An Orange Punch from Cassidy followed and that looked to be all she wrote until Mark Sterling put Daivari's foot on the bottom rope. He ate a High Low from The Conglomeration for his trouble before The Outrunners scored the win with their tag team finisher to Ariya Daivari.

It was time for another backstage interview post-match as Kyle O'Reilly interrupted Okada and asked for a match. Okada briefly thought about it before telling KOR "Hell no....b*tch." O'Reilly punched Okada in the face in taking a different approach and their brawl led to both men being ejected from the building by Christopher Daniels.

Jay White def. Hangman Adam Page

After four matches already, the WrestleDream main card kicked off with Hangman Adam Page vs. Jay White.

Surprisingly, the action started out slowly as both men struggled to gain a definitive advantage until Hangman chopped Jay White down with a Big Boot, before Page complained about the negative chants from the fans in Tacoma.

Slow, methodical offence from Hangman followed before Jay fought back into the match, hitting a whole host of Uppercuts before a DDT for a near fall. White then used Page's momentum against him to hit a Flatliner before a German Suplex for another two count.

Hangman was then left dangling from the top rope and Jay White took advantage, digging his thumbs into Page's eyes. After Hangman got free, he hit a Death Valley Driver on the apron. Page didn't stop there and Jay White soon found himself bouncing off the steel steps following a Powerbomb from Hangman.

Page then got into it with referee Paul Turner and he was about to whip the referee with a belt before he stopped himself. This only gave Jay White time to recover and he spat in Page's face before he followed up with a Kneebreaker on the stage to severely harm the former AEW World Champion's knee.

Hangman later went for a Low Blow back in the ring but White blocked it and went for the Blade Runner but that was blocked too. Page did manage to connect with Deadeye but he struggled to follow up due to the injured knee and a moment's hesitation on a Buckshot Lariat attempt only sent Hangman flipping straight into a Blade Runner.

Moments later, Paul Turner was counting the 1-2-3 as Jay White picked up a big win over Hangman Adam Page.

Mariah May (c) def. Willow Nightingale - AEW Women's World Championship

Willow Nightingale enjoyed early momentum in the second match of the main card as Willow Nightingale hit a pounce and plenty of chops before Mariah May fired back, hitting some saliva-assisted slaps across Willow's chest in three of the four corners. Willow biting Mariah May's ear allowed her to fight back into the match and she later went for the Babe with the Powerbomb but May avoided it and countered with a German Suplex for a near fall.

A Figure Four Leglock from Willow Nightingale followed and they exchanged slaps as the submission remained locked in. Willow then bounced Mariah's head off the AEW Women's World Champion's own knee as the submission continued before she followed up with a Cannonball.

Willow then looked to hit a Moonsault but she crashed and burned and May hit a Shotgun Dropkick from the top rope to follow up. A May Day later and Nigel McGuinness thought that was it but Nightingale kicked out at the last possible moment.

Later, Willow hit a Death Valley Driver into the corner but the champion managed to kick out. Willow almost hit a Powerbomb from the top rope but Mariah countered into a Hurricanrana. A knee strike and Storm Zero from May allowed the AEW Women's World Champion to record the successful title defence.

Jack Perry (c) def. Katsuyori Shibata - TNT Championship

Jack Perry decided to try and chop Katsuyori Shibata in the opening minutes and failed miserably as The Wrestler no-sold them. The TNT Champion was then battered around the ring with chop after chop after chop from Shibata.

Perry spat in Shibata's face as the former NJPW star told Perry to try and hit some offence. Perry hit some Yes Kicks before Shibata decided he was done and hoofed the former Jungle Boy in the head. Perry briefly fought back before he ate a Suplex into the side of the ring.

Shibata followed up with Forearms and a big Dropkick in the corner before a Front Chancery Suplex for a near fall. Perry flipped off his opponent and suffered some Kawada Kicks for his trouble.

It was complete dominance from Shibata until Jack Perry managed to lock in the Snaretrap and he hit a DDT on the outside after Shibata made it to the ropes. Shibata fired back in the ring with a Death Valley Driver and a second one, this time into his knee. A Sleeper was then applied, locking his knees around the TNT Champion.

Shibata then fell to the mat but left his shoulders down and the referee counted the 1-2-3 as Perry faded away. The finish proved controversial and received huge boos inside the Tacoma Dome. Jack Perry didn't wait long, though, and he attacked Shibata from behind after the match and was about to use the TNT Title as a weapon before Daniel Garcia made the save for Shibata, sending Jack Perry out of the ring.

MJF and Adam Cole return

As Daniel Garcia was in the squared circle alone, MJF made his return and went face-to-face with Garcia. Before anyone could say anything, though, Jack Perry decked Red Death from behind with the TNT Championship. A smiling MJF then proceeded to beat down Garcia while cutting a promo, drawing huge boos when he brought up the defunct Seattle Supersonics.

MJF then revealed that he had tracked down the Dynamite Diamond Ring in a Buffalo pawn shop and was about to make Daniel Garcia kiss it when Adam Cole made his return and chased off his former tag team partner.

He may have been The Devil, but Cole looked like the babyface at WrestleDream when he helped Daniel Garcia to his feet.

Konosuke Takeshita def. Will Ospreay (c) & Ricochet - Three Way for the AEW International Championship

The action started fast in this one, capped off with Konosuke Takeshita catching Ricochet on a Sasuke Special before Ospreay decked his former Don Callis Family stablemate with a Sasuke Special of his own.

Takeshita soon looked dominant until he and Ricochet were both taken out by Will Ospreay. A Death Valley Driver on the apron from Takeshita to Ospreay followed, only for Takeshita to leave himself open to a Meteora from Ricochet. Takeshita then found himself draped across the table but Will Ospreay stopped Ricochet from doing anything with a Standing Spanish Fly back in the ring.

Ospreay went for Stormbreaker but Ricochet reversed into a Hurricanrana. Ricochet then blocked the Hidden Blade with a Backslide Bomb but he avoided a 450 Splash and followed up with a Styles Clash. That looked to be it but Takeshita broke up the pin at two.

Takeshita followed up by dropping Ospreay on his head and hitting a Deadlift German. Ospreay no sold it and ran straight into a Lariat from the DDT star. It was then Ricochet's turn to try and do anything to Takeshita, only flipping straight into a huge Blue Thunder Bomb from the DCF member.

Takeshita asked either man to do something which led to a two-on-one beatdown and they actually managed to briefly fell Takeshita before he levelled both men with monster Forearms. A huge pop from the Tacoma crowd followed and Ospreay went for the Oscutter but Takeshita blocked it. Ospreay hit the Oscutter after flipping through a Lariat but left himself open to a Springboard 450 Splash from Ricochet. The fans in Tacoma thought that was it but Ospreay managed to kick out at 2.9.

Ricochet next landed on his feet following a Doomsday Device and he followed up with more offence that was too fast to describe before Takeshita took out both men with a Double German Suplex. Takeshita had the crowd in the palm of his hand as he laid out his opponents with a Tope Con Hilo and hit Ricochet with a Lariat for a near fall.

A crazy spot saw Ospreay hit a Hurricanrana from the top rope on Ricochet, only for Ricochet to be caught by Takeshita and counter into a Sunset Flip pin for a close near fall that was broken up by Ospreay. Ricochet managed to follow up with a Shooting Star Press but he couldn't make the cover as he ate a Knee to the face from Takeshita. Konsuke then pinned both men but they kicked out at two.

The action spilled to the apron and Ricochet caught Takeshita with a Stomp on the apron before Ricochet found himself crashing through a table following a Tombstone. Will Ospreay followed up with a Hidden Blade to Takeshita back in the ring but Takeshita kicked out at one. Ospreay hit another one and he was about to win when Don Callis pulled the referee out of the ring.

Callis tried to hit Ospreay with a screwdriver but Billy Goat blocked it and went for a Styles Clash until he was laid out from behind with a screwdriver by a hooded Kyle Fletcher.

Ospreay was then decked by a Knee from Konosuke Takeshita and a groggy Stephon Smith counted the win to crown Takeshita as the new AEW International Champion.

Post-match, Kyle Fletcher wiped out Will Ospreay with a Tiger Driver, possibly writing Will Ospreay off TV in the process.

Swerve Strickland returns

Post-match, Jerry Lynn and HOOK both told Orange Cassidy he could be the man in All Elite Wrestling, potentially kicking off a main event push for OC.

Back in the ring, Prince Nana after plugging his coffee introduced Swerve Strickland to the Tacoma crowd. The former AEW World Champion after making his entrance announced he was now medically cleared.

Strickland then turned his attention to his future which led to an interruption from MVP and Shelton Benjamin. Strickland put over MVP and Shelton Benjamin and teased a split from Prince Nana, noting in the past couple of months he had been knocked out, lost his childhood home, and the AEW World Championship under Nana's watch. On the other hand, he wouldn't have had those things in the first place without Nana.

Strickland and MVP then discussed how they went way back and Swerve stated he was the most dangerous man in AEW. Strickland then said Nana was selling weed to high school children but the biggest thing about Nana was that he was family and Swerve doesn't turn his back on family for anybody.

Strickland then told MVP to shove his business cards up his ass which led to a face-off with Shelton Benjamin. After a with us or against us speech, Swerve and Benjamin were separated by AEW referees and Christopher Daniels, with Swerve standing tall in the ring with Prince Nana.

No Bobby Lashley at AEW WrestleDream.

Hologram def. The Beast Mortos - Two-out-of-Three Falls Match

Lucha action next as Hologram and The Beast Mortos faced off in a two-out-of-three falls match, a staple of lucha libre, particularly in CMLL.

The action started out fast and Hologram won the first fall following a Crucifix Bomb. This only angered Mortos, though, and he fired back with a Twisting Suicide Dive before a Gorilla Press Slam that sent Hologram bouncing off the stage. Back in the ring, Mortos decked Hologram with a Belly to Belly Suplex in the corner before a Spear while Hologram was trapped in the tree of woe.

Mortos missed on a second spear and ate a Moonsault to the outside from Hologram. Poisonrana from Hologram back in the ring but he failed on a Portal Bomb. Mortos hit a Backbreaker, Powerbomb on his knee, and a Discus Lariat to level the match at one fall apiece.

After some back-and-forth action, Hologram looked to be in trouble on the top but he countered into a crazy Headscissors and later connected with a Poisonrana on the apron. Springboard Senton next from Hologram and he appeared to hurt his knee but he could continue and connected with a Double Foot Stomp back in the ring before Mortos got his knees up on a 450 Splash.

Both men took each other out before Mortos hit an Avalanche Press Slam which somehow only picked up a near fall. Mortos hit the Backbreaker, Powerbomb, Lariat combination again but Hologram managed to kick out on this occasion.

Hologram then followed up with a Hurricanrana from the top rope and a Springboard Crucifix Bomb but it was Mortos' turn to kick out of what took him out earlier in the match.

As "this is awesome" chants filled the arena, Hologram hit a Portal Bomb for the victory.

Darby Allin def. Brody King

Following a skateboarding pre-entrance-video package from Darby Allin, the action got underway with the commentators reminding us that Brody King has won six of his seven matches against Darby Allin and that win for Darby was in a Coffin Match.

Brody King wasted no time establishing his dominance, just picking up Darby by his shorts and throwing him into the barricade. Brody then caught Darby on a Plancha and levelled him with a Chop. Brody then crushed Darby under the steel steps before he climbed the steps and repeatedly stomped on them, only crushing Darby's bottom half more and more.

Brody took the action to the ring and continued to methodically work over Darby until he whiffed on a Cannonball and ate Darby's crazy Suicide Dive and a Cannonball to the outside before a Coffin Drop to the outside. Darby hit a Code Red once the action re-entered the ring but King managed to kick out.

In a call back to their 2022 Royal Ramage spot, Darby tried to choke out Brody while he was on the apron but he failed miserably as King flattened him on the apron. Brody then recreated the spot, literally leaving Darby dangling while locked in a Rear-Naked Choke.

Brody King took control of the action once again, working over Allin before he hit a German Suplex from the middle rope. King hit the same move again, this time from the top turnbuckle which left Darby bouncing off the mat.

Brody King next looked to hit a Superplex on the steel steps but Darby blocked it, gave Brody a little wave, and pushed King to send him bouncing onto the steel steps. Darby then followed up with a Coffin Drop while Brody was lay across the steps.

Brody somehow made it back in the ring at 9.9 but he ran straight into a Coffin Drop from Darby, who made the cover for the win.

Post-match, the two rivals shook hands, squashing their beef.

The Young Bucks (c) def. Private Party - AEW World Tag Team Championships

Following a promo package featuring Amazing Red, Private Party looked to defeat The Young Bucks, this time for the AEW World Tag Team Championships.

Matt Jackson cut a promo before the match, telling Private Party they would always be a mid-card act. Private Party attacked The Bucks and the Jackson brothers looked to walk to the back before the bell rang, only for Private Party to run straight into Superkicks on the stage.

The two teams looked to harm each other on the stage, with Marq Quen taking out The Bucks with a Moonsault from the top of one of the tunnels that actually looked like it hurt Isiah Kassidy more. Once the match got underway, the challengers scored a near fall following a Crossbody from Kassidy to Nicholas Jackson. A Senton scored another near fall but not the win.

The Young Bucks managed to fight back, working over Kassidy, especially after a Buckle Bomb, but Zay blocked a Facebuster and PP later hit Silly String before Nicholas Jackson hit his Twisting Moonsault to the floor.

Nick followed up with a Moonsault from the barricade into the crowd and all four participants were taken out soon after, breaking the count at nine.

Back in the ring, Nick hit an Avalanche Cutter but Kassidy managed to kick out. They set up for the TK Driver but Marq Quen blocked it which allowed Kassidy to roll through into a pinning attempt but Matt managed to kick out this time, unlike in 2019 and on Rampage.

Marq Quen followed up, taking out the Bucks with a Double Neckbreaker. Superkicks to Marq Quen followed but Quen managed to block More Bang For Your Buck and Private Party followed up with Gin and Juice. That looked to be it but Nick kicked out at 2.9.

Private Party later connected with More Bang For Your Buck but Matt broke up the pin at the last possible moment. Nick later dropkicked Zay while Marq Quen was on his shoulders, leading to a Poisonrana. A Dropkick-Senton combo from Nick followed before the EVP Trigger to Zay. Kassidy managed to kick out and he avoided a second one, rolling up Matt, but Jackson had his own kick out.

Kassidy followed up with punches but he collapsed. The Bucks then hit a TK Driver for the win.

Mark Briscoe (c) def. Chris Jericho - ROH World Championship

Chris Jericho looked to become a nine-time world champion at WrestleDream and he immediately decked Mark Briscoe with a Codebreaker but the Sussex County Chicken kicked out at one. Briscoe then fired up and hit Jericho with an Elbow Drop on the outside.

Briscoe then took out both Big Bill and Chris Jericho with a Tope Con Giro on the floor but Jericho soon gained the upper hand after he distracted Aubrey Edwards and Big Bill beat down Mark Briscoe. Before Bill could put Briscoe through a table, Orange Cassidy took him out with an Orange Punch and he followed up with more to send William to the back.

Jericho retained control, though, even taking time to take over a camera as he kicked Briscoe in the face. Mark used some Redneck Kung Fu to fire back and later a Fisherman's Buster for a near fall.

Jericho soon fought back with the Walls of Jericho. Bryan Keith then took out Mark Briscoe with a baseball bat when Aubrey Edwards wasn't looking and Keith was sent to the back by a Rocky Romero attack. Jericho tried to take out Briscoe with a chair but had it booted into his own face by Mark. Briscoe then followed up with a Tope Con Giro to Jericho that sent them crashing through a table.

The ROH World Champion went for a Froggy Bow but Jericho countered into a Codebreaker in mid-air, only for a two count, though. Jericho missed on the Judas Effect but he hit it at the second attempt.

Jericho had the match won but he didn't make the cover, instead looking to hit the Jay Driller. Jericho even hit it and that looked to be it but Mark Briscoe kicked out at 2.9. An enraged Mark then hulked up with Redneck Kung Fu and a Death Valley Driver.

A Froggy Bow later and Mark Briscoe pointed to the heavens before hitting the Jay Driller for the win.

Jon Moxley def. Bryan Danielson (c) - AEW World Championship

Before Bryan Danielson could pick up his arms for the YES! chants on the turnbuckle during his entrance, Jon Moxley attacked the AEW World Champion. Final Countdown continued to fill the arena as the two men brawled on the outside. Moxley began choking Danielson with wires before Bryan fired back with a headbutt and choked the challenger with wires of his own. Marina Shafir got involved but she was dumped on her head by Danielson.

The action spilled into the ring and Danielson hit a Busaiku Knee while Moxley held a chair, sending it smashing into the former Dean Ambrose's face. The bell then finally rang, getting the match underway, and the pace remained relentless as Danielson hit a second Busaiku Knee, only for Moxley to kick out.

Danielson next hit a Senton to the outside, almost smashing his head off the floor, and he next hit a Suicide Dive, sending Moxley tumbling onto the announce table. Yes Kicks on the Spanish announce table followed but Moxley hit a thumb to the eye and decked Danielson with a Piledriver on the table.

Moxley was briefly stopped from continuing his offence but he waved off the referee and even took a swipe at Nigel McGuinness. Moxley then distracted Bryce Remsburg as Marina Shafir hit Danielson with knee after knee.

Moxley slowed the action down dramatically and methodically worked over his former friend as the crowd rallied behind the man from Aberdeen, Washington. Marina Shafir continued to be an influence as she ripped up the mats on the floor. Moxley then got into an argument with a fan in a Ricky Martin t-shirt and this allowed Danielson to fire back with a Back Drop on the concrete.

Danielson followed up with Yes Kicks back in the ring before a Spider German Suplex and a missed Diving Headbutt. Moxley hit a Stomp before he locked in the Bulldog Choke to silence the Takoma Dome once again. Danielson clawed back into it, though, connecting with a Piledriver to leave both men down on the mat.

Danielson rallied the crowd when they were back on their feet and they exchanged strikes until Moxley came out on top, with Danielson clutching his neck. The AEW World Champion fought back, though, with European Uppercuts and a Diving Forearm as Moxley wondered what had just hit him. More Yes Kicks followed as Moxley collapsed to the mat before the American Dragon set up for a third Busaiku Knee. Marina Shafir grabbed Danielson's leg right in front of the referee which led to her ejection but she still paid dividends as Moxley connected with a Cutter.

Danielson later rolled through a German Suplex and hit a third Busaiku Knee but Moxley somehow kicked out once again. Moxley next had his head kicked in before Danielson applied the LeBell Lock. The challenger was able to make it to the bottom rope and Danielson followed up with a Suicide Dive but Moxley caught him and levelled the champion with a Death Rider on the concrete.

Back in the ring, Danielson kicked out so Moxley delivered several Hammer and Anvil Elbows before applying a Sleeper. Danielson, still in the Sleeper, carried Moxley up to the middle rope and dropped themselves back down to the mat as both competitors simply looked to regain their breath.

After exchanging submissions, Danielson hit a fourth Busaiku Knee and Moxley just kicked out once again. The AEW World Champion went for a fifth knee but Moxley caught him with a Lariat. Another Lariat later and Danielson kicked out before he called for and connected with a Death Rider. Danielson wasn't going quietly into that long goodnight, though, and he kicked out at one as the crowd in Tacoma perked up.

Moxley told Danielson "don't make me do it" so Danielson spit in his face and slapped him. This only led to a Gotch-style Piledriver from Moxley before he locked in a Rear-Naked Choke. Danielson tried desperately to escape but Danielson faded and Bryce Remsburg called for the bell.

Jon Moxley ended WrestleDream as the new AEW World Champion while Bryan Danielson's full-time in-ring career was over.

Post-match, Moxley tried to recreate the plastic bag spot but Wheeler Yuta and Darby Allin made the save. Darby stared down Moxley until Wheeler Yuta took him out with a Busaiku Knee from behind. Yuta looked distraught as Moxley gave him the plastic bag and Yuta proceeded to choke out his former mentor. Darby, now tied to the ropes, begged for Yuta to stop.

Private Party, Jeff Jarrett and more tried and failed to save Danielson and Darby as Claudio stomped on Danielson while he had a chair around his neck. Eventually, the BCC were chased to the back after the rest of the AEW locker room arrived in the ring.

Bryan Danielson received medical attention and was placed on a stretcher as the AEW locker room simply watched on distraught, although the broadcast lingered on Darby Allin and Orange Cassidy, suggesting they could be Jon Moxley's first challengers.


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