Buff Bagwell Clarifies Reason For Recent Arrest

Buff Bagwell clarifies what caused his recent arrest

Buff Bagwell has clarified why he was arrested on July 13. 

Cobb County records in Marietta, Georgia revealed this week that Bagwell was arrested on July 13 on charges of speeding and driving under the influence of drugs. He was released from jail on July 15. 

The incident looked to be an unfortunate setback for the former WCW star but Bagwell has since claimed that he remains sober and he was arrested earlier this month for a DUI that happened years ago. 

"Just wanted to clarify to everyone that I am 11 months sober (tomorrow). I see there is news out that I had to spend time in jail for a DUI but this was from the original offense years ago. I did get a recent sanction because I didn't document a recent trip out of state properly," Buff tweeted.

Bagwell has struggled with addiction and substance abuse for many years and he made the decision to seek help last year. He entered rehab following a relapse but Bagwell, as mentioned in his tweet, is now 11 months sober, with his sobriety date being August 27, 2022. 

As of last word, Bagwell was still considering an in-ring return and was planning to undergo knee replacement surgery in the hopes of making a comeback. 

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Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons