
Buff Bagwell Wants To Have A Death Match In 2022

Buff The Death Match Slayer?

Does wrestling have a new Death Match King? 

The likes of Matt Cardona competed in Death Matches in 2021 and Buff Bagwell wants to perform in his own Death Match in 2022.

After sending out a tweet about working a Death Match recently, Bagwell clarified on Monday that he was serious about wrestling with the hardcore stipulation.

"Yes, I was serious about doing a deathmatch in 2022! I have someone that is specifically handling any bookings to do with Deathmatches, reach out to with any inquiries!" he tweeted.

Bagwell then added: "Some of the 'boys' are upset, but that's fine I've never done anything for them, it's about entertaining those behind the guardrail and bringing some new eyes to an old sport!"

The former WCW star also noted he wanted to work the violent match to give back to the industry, recalling how the likes of Sting and Roddy Piper previously helped him. 

"I'm not interested in doing a deathmatch because I need the bookings, my calendar stays full with autograph signings and conventions. I could never put on a pair of tights again and it won't hurt my financially, but I want to challenge myself and help out others. People like Sting, Piper, Flair and Lex did so much for me as a young kid in the business and even more later on in life, they gave so much to me and now I want to give to others, anyone upset about that has their own insecurities."

Bagwell has sporadically performed on the independent wrestling scene in recent years and he competed in his first match of 2022 on Sunday, February 6, facing One Man Kru in Indiana's Pro Wrestling King promotion. 

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Twitter: @theaidangibbons