

Update On Dolph Ziggler's WWE Status

Dolph Ziggler appears to be in a state of flux at the moment in terms of his status within WWE. Obviously, there's a good chance he's working the marks, as they say in the trade, but since losing a...


New All Elite Wrestling Trademark Filed

All Elite Wrestling has been a thing for just 23 days at this point, and the details we're learning about the new company are still being released day by day. In terms of the trademarks filed by...


Two More Signings Confirmed For WWE NXT

WWE's rather aggressive talent signing policy has made all kinds of headlines in recent times as the company has tried to sign just about every indy talent with a bit of steam behind their name. The...


WWE 2K19 Rising Stars DLC Now Available

WWE 2K19 is a bloody lovely game, and now there's a new DLC pack to get your hands on that includes the likes of Ricochet, Lio Rush and Candice LeRae. The following was taken from a release put out...