
Cultaholic.com 2021 Awards: Vote For Your Heel Of The Year

Five nominations - only one winner!


Moose impact wrestling november 2021

IMPACT Wrestling

Let me start off by saying that, irrespective of whether you like him or not, Moose has enjoyed the year of his career in 2021. 

What makes it even sweeter is he perfectly fits the character that you simply do not want to see do well - but you can’t deny him when he does. 

I could point to so many of Moose’s moments in the last 12 months but I will simply go with the conclusion of Bound For Glory 2021, when Moose snatched away Josh Alexander’s perfect celebrations by taking the IMPACT World Title from him while his family was in the ring. 

Fans absolutely detested the moment. And guess what guys? That was the whole point! 

Moose has mastered his role in IMPACT Wrestling and is now ‘the guy’ in the company for it. He has earned your hatred, and should be celebrated.

Nominated By: Mitch Waddon - Editor-In-Chief

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