
Cultaholic.com 2021 Awards: Vote For Your Male Wrestler Of The Year

Vote for your winner!

Bryan Danielson

Bryan danielson aew dynamite november 2021 2

All Elite Wrestling

Daniel Bryan main-evented WrestleMania for WWE in April, and Bryan Danielson could have ended the year as AEW Champion.  

The American Dragon has been so good for so long that, perhaps, we have taken his enormous talent for granted at times.  

Even factoring in his summer break (where it was unsure just where he would end up), Danielson’s body of work for the year has been outstanding.  

He had the (in my opinion) feud and match of the year with Roman Reigns and Edge, his bouts with the Big Dog at Fastlane and on SmackDown (Title versus Career) being right up there as well.  

Since becoming All Elite, Danielson has had some fantastic battles with a diverse range of opponents that includes Minoru Suzuki, Kenny Omega, Eddie Kingston, Miro, Bobby Fish, Rocky Romero and others.  

Not only are the matches great, but he’s looked like he’s having the time of his life leaning into his heelish side while gearing up for the Hangman.

Nominated by: Lewis Howse - Features & Script Writer 

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