
Cultaholic.com 2021 Awards: Vote For Your Male Wrestler Of The Year

Vote for your winner!

Kenny Omega

Kenny omega plum suit november 2021

All Elite Wrestling

Kenny Omega is not my favourite wrestler of the year, but he was easily the best. (Super Dragon was my personal favourite, FYI, I don’t care that he literally did one thing) 

Across IMPACT, AAA, and AEW, Kenny Omega has been the guy, working himself into the ground whilst dealing with myriad injuries and vertigo, all the while putting on some of the best matches of the year. 

No matter the match-type or opponent, Omega has been like a chameleon, adapting to any and every scenario and wringing the best out of it, from exploding barbed wire deathmatches, to strong style brawls, and every type of technical encounter you can think of. Omega did it all. 

And in the end, it was all to put over Hangman Page as the future of AEW. 

Omega is truly ‘The Best Bout Machine’, and this year he was leagues ahead of the competition.

Nominated By: Jack Atkins - News & Script Writer

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Written by Cultaholic