
Eddie Kingston Hit By Fireball On AEW Dynamite

A fireball to Eddie Kingston's face!

Sports entertainment was very much utilised on Wednesday's edition of AEW Dynamite from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 

The Jericho Appreciation Society once again proclaimed the virtues of sports entertainment on the show - with Angelo Parker even calling AEW fans the 'AEW Galaxy' - before Chris Jericho revealed they were going to put out a hit on Santana, Ortiz, and Eddie Kingston.

All this did was infuriate The Mad King, though, and he marched to the ring before he went nose-to-nose with Jericho and explained he's "put someone in the ground" before and he won't hesitate to do it to The Jericho Appreciation Society as a terrified Painmaker looked on. 

The JAS would then exact revenge for their humiliation later in the show, however, as they took out Santana and Ortiz backstage before Jericho threw a fireball into Kingston's face, causing The War King to roll around on the floor in agony. 

If Eddie Kingston will still have his eyebrows on next week's edition of Dynamite remains to be seen. 

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Twitter: @theaidangibbons