Indy Wrestler Sets Himself On Fire In Spot Gone Wrong
Masada set himself on fire over the weekend
Apr 24, 2023
One of life's earliest lessons is don't play with fire. Unfortunately, that message doesn't get through to everybody.
XPW held their King of the Deathmatch 2023 tournament on Saturday, April 22 during their Killafornia show in Pomona, California. The likes of Aeroboy, Shane Mercer, and the controversial Drake Younger were in action at the event, along with Deathmatch regular Masada.
Masada ultimately took things too far on April 22, however. After setting a kendo stick on fire during Killafornia, the 41-year-old blew what appeared to be alcohol onto the burning stick to create a fireball as he looked to blast his opponent. The spot quickly backfired, though, as Masada ended up setting his beard and vest on fire which caused him to frantically run around the ringside area as he tried desperately to pat the flames out.
Masada was able to eventually extinguish the flames and XPW officials appeared shortly after with a fire extinguisher to prevent further harm.
This is just the latest fire spot to go wrong in recent years, with the most high-profile arguably taking place in All Elite Wrestling when Cody Rhodes landed on a flaming table during a match with Andrade El Idolo. Joey Janela also set his own boot on fire in June 2022 and struggled to extinguish the flames after only bottles of water were available nearby. Janela recently suffered second-degree burns at a DDT Pro Wrestling show in Japan which ruled him out of competing for GCW.
Watch Masada's botched spot below: