
Jade Cargill Addresses Absence From WWE TV

Jade Cargill has spoken about her recent absence from WWE TV.

There has been much speculation regarding Jade Cargill's apparent removal from WWE TV, after initially appearing on all three brands shortly after she jumped ship from AEW. In the post-show press conference following Survivor Series, Triple H seemed to imply that Cargill perhaps wasn't yet ready, potentially laying the blame at the feet of her previous promotion. 

He stated: "Jade, I have no less belief in her now than I did then. It’s interesting, when she came in we talked about her development and where she would land, but what the development was. I want to make sure that no matter what is thrown at Jade Cargill she’s ready and at no fault of her own, I think that she was limited in that."

Cargill herself recently spoke to Dallas News about what lies in store, and gave an explanation of her own, saying:

"I think the fan base should be patient. I think they need to understand we’re making a diamond. We’re creating something that’s gonna be a legacy. We’re creating something that’s going to create echoes and waves throughout not just the wrestling culture, but pop culture and beyond. They’re setting me up for success; you shouldn’t rush success.

“I’ve been on TV in front of thousands of people several times, one thing I know how to do is entertain a crowd. And no one — no one — can say different. I can do that.

"I trust [WWE.] I believe in this system. And when they see me in that ring, understand, there’s no turning back. [WWE] is believing in everything I’m doing, given me everything that I could fathom, and I’m going to be ready. I’m already ready. But again, it’s on my time, and everybody should be patient. And when I come, just understand I’m taking over.”

H/T to F4WOnline.

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Written by Jack King

jack.king@cultaholic.com Twitter: @JackTheJobber