Jeff Hardy Debuts On AEW Dynamite
Brother Nero, they knew you'd come

Mar 10, 2022
Jeff Hardy debuted on Wednesday night's AEW Dynamite in Fort Myers, FL, reuniting with brother Matt during a chaotic segment.
Matt had just been kicked out of the Andrade-Hardy Family Office, after Andrade, Jose the Assistant, and Private Party voted him out, then attacked Matt alongside Butcher and Blade.
Sting and Darby Allin attempted the save, but were overwhelmed by the numbers. Suddenly, the Hardyz' classic WWE theme (the production song "Loaded" by Zack Tempest) played, heralding the arrival of Jeff.
Jeff helped Matt, Sting, and Allin clean house, and ended the beatdown by hitting Blade with the Swanton Bomb.
Hardy was released from WWE on December 9, days after he walked out on a six man tag during a house show. WWE officials reportedly asked Hardy to go to rehab, but he refused, resulting in his release. Hardy's subsequent breathalyzer and drug tests were said to have come back clean.
Matt Hardy (kayfabe) mirrored Jeff's walkout during a February 9 match pitting Keith Lee against then-Hardy client Isiah Kassidy, by disgustedly leaving through the crowd.
Between their tenures in WWE, Impact, and ROH, the Hardyz have reigned as Tag Team champions on twelve occasions.