Jim Ross Comments On Vince McMahon Lawsuit And Allegations
Jim Ross has shared his thoughts on the Vince McMahon lawsuit
Mar 10, 2024
The Vince McMahon lawsuit involving former employee Janel Grant and subsequent controversies and stories which have stemmed from that has been lingering over the professional wrestling world for the last couple of months.
Although WWE and TKO have tried to distance themselves from McMahon, many of those in wrestling with ties to McMahon such as current and former WWE personalities have been asked about the lawsuits and their thoughts on it. Jim Ross is the latest to give his comments, speaking on the Grilling JR podcast.
“Lots of change afloat. And personally, I’ll be glad when the winds have swept that change on through. I’m tired of it. It’s embarrassing in a lot of ways that it’s happened this way. It’s affected a lot of innocent people. That’s my take on it, I might be wrong. But it’s time to move on. It’s time to move on and cause some rest and peace for some people. And it’s time to move on, in my opinion.
“And I just never believed that Vince would allow his company to get this out of control -- and it has. And I feel badly about that because I know how much the WWE meant to Vince. I’m sure it still does to some degree. So, anyway, I just...it’s time. Let’s go. Let’s move on. Let’s rewind it and cast the hook in the water one more time and see if we can catch something more positive.”
Ross continued to reiterate this need to move on and bring more positivity in the business. He also stated that no one can take away from what McMahon accomplished, and ultimately it won’t tarnish his legacy a huge amount.
H/T F4WOnline