Kane's WWE Gear Smelled Like 'Rancid Yak Meat’
Yep. The Big Red Machine smelled like out of date yak flesh
Feb 21, 2024
During his prime, Kane was one of the most feared competitors in WWE, with the ‘Big Red Machine’ a nigh unstoppable monster with a penchant for setting people on fire.
However, despite being an imposing force in the ring, this was nothing compared to the stench of his gear, according to former rival Paul Wight anyway:
“Kane’s gloves get pretty rank. He grabs you for a chokeslam and you just want to faint. It smells like rancid friggin’ yak meat,” exclaimed Wight to GamesRadar.
Wight suggests the odour was due to a mixture of sweat, leather, and age, and suggested that the more intimate parts of wrestling gear that can’t be easily washed do well after a spell in the freezer:
“It’s the sweat, it builds up real quick. Kneepads, and masks, they suggest you throw them in the freezer for a month [occasionally], to kill all the bacteria,” continued Wight.
Wight should be glad he never shared a ring with the legendary Vader, with ‘The Mastodon’ long said to have smelly gear. Then there’s the urban legend of Sycho Sid, y’know the one that involved WWE Champion Sid, The Undertaker, the WrestleMania 13 main event, and an unfortunate case of loose bowels. Allegedly.
Kane recently revealed he hasn’t closed the door on an in-ring return. Let’s just hope he has new gloves if he ever does wrestle again.